This is a question that makes me think every time. Can we think nothing? Can humans truly think literally nothing? To answer this question, there is only one experiment to do: trying to think nothing. Of course I tried doing it. But, I failed miserably. If I try to think nothing, the thinking that I have to think nothing makes me think something!? So, if we try to think nothing, inside our minds, it goes like this. ‘Okay, let’s think nothing. Wait, how can we think nothing if we are thinking to think nothing? What?’
But, sometimes, we feel a weird sensation when we stare at something for a long time. As if we are thinking nothing. This made me wonder again. ‘Maybe humans can think nothing. We just can’t know it.’
My conclusion for this is this. Humans can think nothing. It’s a possibility, but I believe that humans can think nothing. I’ve never seen any statistics or study saying about humans thinking nothing. So, that might mean that we just don’t know. While thinking about thinking nothing, I learned something. ‘Humans don’t know a lot of things.’ If humans doesn’t even know about humans' bodies, would we know a lot about nature, environment, and the universe? I don’t think so.