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Color Chronicles 1! (New story!)


(Okay guys! I was kind of lonely with not being in the same class with you guys anymore, so I decided to write another pair of my stories here! Thank you!)


Yoonseo (Me): Color Magician

Yoomin: Color Magician 2

Irene: Color Magician 3

Dain: Color Warrior

Daniel: Color Warrior 2

Ian: Color Warrior 3

April: Color Protector

Jisoo: Color Protector 2

Savina: Color Former

Tei: Color Maker

(Please tell me if you want to change your characters!)


The Kingdom of Colors was a victim of jealousy for all the countries surrounding it. It's prosperity had been well known throughout the society of Riverwell, for over a century, especially around the time of King Silverbeard's rule; the hundreds of thousands of colors spread throughout the whole kingdom gave protection and hope to the people of the land.

Color Protectors protected those colors, and Color Formers and Makers made the colors for them to protect. Color Warriors were those who made the colors into physical weapons and used them in battle, as well as Color Magicians, who used their colors to make all sorts of deadly sorceries and potions.

The kingdom, with all of these people willing and determined to protect their home, was peaceful for years and years; until King Silverbeard died and his son, Prince Edward took over his place. And at first, the young king seemed to rule as well as his father; that was, until his greed for even more kingdoms and wealth started to expand, and evil things started to happen to the kingdom.

April: *Snoring* *Bending on a log*

Jisoo: *Bursting into the clearing* NOOOOOOOOOO! Stop! Thief!

April: *Coming out from her sleep* WHAT?! WHAT THIEF?!

Jisoo: See that parrot there? *Points at a grey-and-white parrot* Thats a spy from the Valley of Birds! And he's stealing our color, emerald-green!

April: NOOOOO! That's the color of the son of King Edward, Prince Charlie's! We have to catch that little thing!

*Both chase after the parrot*

Jisoo & April: *Yelling as the parrot flys away, holding a beaded jewel* NOOOOOOOOOO!

Meanwhile, at the school of the kingdom

Student 1: I heard today that the job-people of our kingdom are coming to our school!

Student 2: Oh! OH! They must be SO sophisticated! I can't wait to see them!

Dain: *Bursts through the door* HELLOOOOO, everyone!

Daniel: *Pushing her* HEY! Be quiet! I'm even louder! HELLOOOOO, everyone!

Irene: Come on guys, we have to act wiser, do you know how long it's been ever since we entered school?

Yoomin: *Quietly* Exactly 6 days. (Don't worry, Yoomin, I won't make you quiet forever; wait for the twist of the story!)

Ian: *Rolls eyes*

Yoonseo: HELLOOOOO, everyone!

Dain & Daniel: HEY! We already said that!

Teacher: *Slightly panicky* Um, OK everyone! That's that, and these kids are the kids who just graduated from this school and are now off to do real BUSINESS in this world!

Irene: *Proudly* Yep! Who should we start with? *Not waiting for a answer* First, me! My name is Irene Throne, guys, and I'm the apprentice of Color Magician Mayath, with my friend, Yoomin Moon here! Right, Yoomin?

Yoomin: Yes.

Irene: *Whispering* She's usually a bit quiet, but you've gotta love her!

Student 2: Color Magician Mayath?! That's so cool!

Yoomin: Yes.


Ian: I will speak. *Ignoring Dain & Daniel's protests* Hello, everyone! I am Ian Curl, and I'm the apprentice of Color Warrior Blum with my friends, Dain Star and Daniel Wing!

Student 1: WOAH.

Yoonseo:, Yoonseo Wand, a Color Magician, apprenticed by Magician Gothard.

Students: WHAT?! Gothard? That hero dude who assassinated about a million evil sorcerers at Star Court? So cool!!

Teacher: ENOUGH! *Claps hands* Now, though they are not here today, Tei Arc and Savina Pot are apprenticed by the best Color Makers and Formers of the kingdom, Madame and Mr Louik. And April Cot and Jisoo Kay, apprentices of Color Protectors Namarie and Bloom, are apparently not here yet...

Headmaster: *Suddenly bursts into the classroom* *Hysterical* The emerald-green color gem has been stolen! Class ends! Right! Now!

Dain: WHAT?! We came all the way here to entertain these kids and we have to leave IMMEDIATELY?!

Irene: But things must be pretty serious if color gems are being stolen. I suppose that's why April and Jisoo are not here today.

Yoonseo: *Open mouthed* ...

Yoomin: But isn't the color Prince Charlie's?

Ian: Then what happens to him?

At the palace

King Edward: WHAT?! You lost the emerald-green gem to that stupid PARROT?!

April: *Voice shaking* I...I'm so s...sorry your majesty...this was because of me...I was sleeping....

Jisoo: Prince Charlie all right?

King Edward: *Bellows* DO YOU THINK THAT HE IS ALL RIGHT?!! He is not!! He's dying right now, you fools. DYING!!!

Prince Charlie: *Crouching on the floor, his skin turning grey-and-white*

To be continued

(Thank you for reading this! Stay tune for part 2!!_^^)


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Jan 17, 2022

I really missed the obedience school (and all the catz) But turns out this story might be better!!!

Jan 18, 2022
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Thank you so much for reading it TT


Jan 17, 2022

Al luv it <3


Ian Chung
Ian Chung
Jan 17, 2022

Um Yoonseo, if it is possible, can I be the color messenger (like I was the messenger in the town story) so I would message color info, and transport potions to the kingdom?? I like how you put me in the story :D thanks for the story & effort (I clicked a like!)

Jan 18, 2022
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Sure, Ian! I can change your character into messenger, but kind of unfortunate news-you have to wait a little while until I can VE~ERY naturally change your character...but I will change you into the Color Messenger! Soon! Thanks for commenting!


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