Motion: THB Dreamstar is better than Cloudwing
Ill be PM for Gov
Hello NOT AT ALL honorable Judge, I am Dreamstar of team Dreamstar, Leader of Team Dreamstar. I will ignore the stupid intro that will waste my time, and instead cover the two sensible first arguments.
Dreamstar is better than Cloudwing because Dreamstar is better than Cloudwing. Dreamstar is better than Cloudwing, Because Cloudwing is less better than Dreamstar. and according to Dreamstar is better than Cloudwing, Dreamstar is better than Cloudwing. therefore Dreamstar is better than Cloudwing. Second of all, Dreamstar is WAY better than Cloudwing for Dreamstar is WAY better than Cloudwing. Cloudwing is a Furball. that is a fact. actually, that is not true. Cloudwing throws books. therefore Dreamstar is WAY better than Cloudwing, who doesnt throw books. Dreamstar is WAY better than Cloudwing also because Dreamstar said Dreamstar is WAY better than Cloudwing. So Cloudwing should agree that Dreamstar is WAY better than Cloudwing. No thank you berry much for your time. BYEEEE
THBT Dreamstar bullies Cloudwing 😥