announcer: Hello Students! There has been a corona outbreak!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Every day, There's more corona patients! In Peai, and schools, of course! Now I'll be talking about corns outbreak-
Pd: It's corona! Not corns!
Announcer: Sorry! I'll be talking about corona outbreak!
Person watching the news 1: Did he say corn outbreak?
Person watching the news 2: I hope not..... CAUSE I HATE CORNS!
Person watching the news 3: WHAT?! CORN IS DELICIOUS!
*Insert fighting of Pwtn2 and Pwtn3!
Announcer: Now, there has been a teacher who caught corona in 4th grade! So, we are doing.... ONLINE CLASSES!!!
My frienzie: Poor u!
Me: Is that fire in front of my eyes...? MY EYES!!!!! *eyes actually burning*
My frienzie: OH MY GOD!!!!!!
Peai students: WITW?!(What in the world)
Peai students: Wait...... OH NUUUU!!!!! CORONA PATIENTS AT MY SCHOOL NUUUUUU!!!!!
And then everyone got corona and got helple-
Me: Phew! My eyes almost burned from online classes!
My frienzie: That's good! Wait... MY EYES!
Me: IT's BURNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pwtn 1: Phew.... I barely stopped them...
Pwtn 2: Well, corn is bad, and I like Sea food more! Hmp!
Pwtn 3: WUT?! SeA fOoD iS bAd!
*Insert more fighting*
Me: Phew! That was crazy!
My frienzie: Phew... Thanks!
Me: That's what friends are for!
Somebody:(Out of nowhere) WaNt RoMaNcE nOvElS?
Kids: NOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!
So! That was a bit of chaos! Welp, Bye people! See ya next time!