P.S. I dunno what 'use and bold parallel structure' is.
Motion: Dreamstar doesn't know how to spell things.
Hello, I am Cloudwing from team Cloudwing is the best and PM of this team who's name is Cloudwing is the best in case you forgot what it was and my team is Mr.Me, Mr.Nobody, Mr.Patrickdictator, Mrs.Dreamstartheworst, Mrs.Fanofcloudwingnotthethingthatmakesairandblowsthem, Mrs.Cloudwingisthebest, and lastly, Mr.Blooperstupidcloudwing!
Everybody cheers except for Mr.Blooperstupidcloudwing.
Cloudwing: AHem ahem thank you... THank you..
Cloudwing: I will cover our third argument and reply, and Mr.NObody will cover our whip and intro and 2nd argument. Mr.patrickdictator will cover our nothingness, and Mrs.Fanofcloudwingnotthethingthatmakesairandblowsthem will cover out 1st argument and our somethingness.
Cloudwing: Our third argument is..-
Mr.Blooperstupidcloudwing: Aren't we supposed to do intro first???
Cloudwing: Have you gone crazy????? Read this paper that the judge gave us!!!
(PAper with bold highlighted underlined words): WE ARE SUPPOSED TO DO INTRO FIRST!
Cloudwing: See?? It says, CLOUDWING? IT'S ALL YOUR CHOICE!
EVerybody cheers at Cloudwing's perfect reading skills.
Cloudwing our argument is that Dreamstar is bad at spelling because she spells Great gr8 and also spells you u, and says why y and spells you u,-
Mr.Blooperstupidcloudwing: But you already talked about you spelling it u!
Cloudwing:No I didn't! Ahem! I'll move on.. And I am better than Dreamstar!
Judge: Cloudwing? ur time's off! you talked about 123456789009876543211234567890098765432112345678900987654321years, 123456789009876543211234567890098765432112345678900987654321monthes, 123456789009876543211234567890098765432112345678900987654321 weeks, 123456789009876543211234567890098765432112345678900987654321days, 123456789009876543211234567890098765432112345678900987654321hours, 123456789009876543211234567890098765432112345678900987654321 minutes, 123456789009876543211234567890098765432112345678900987654321secs, micro secs, 123456789009876543211234567890098765432112345678900987654321ultramicro secs, 123456789009876543211234567890098765432112345678900987654321supercalifragliciousexpialidocious micro secs!
End of Debate!
Cloudwing:But let me just do the reply! Ok, Judge, we urge you to vote Governmment! We are the best! I am proud to oppose-
Mr.Blooperstupidcloudwing:Ummmm... but we are government!
Cloudwing:And , I vote my self! Thank for you hear me well!
-The end this is why Cloudwing wins!-
U….r grossing me out y is it MRS EWW