Yesterday, that was the end of the first semester test and test results. (Actually, yesterday was not first semester test, but big as much as the first semester test.) I went to school in a very exciting mood because of my dream that I got every subject 0 and my mom said that dreams are always opposite, so that meant to me that it was 100. Also, it was a mixed dream that the hornets followed me everywhere. However, I defeated them with some way that I don't remember until now. My mom also said that it is a good dream, so I was very exciting about the test results.
I went to my classroom and sat in my seat. As soon as I put my violin in the place that every is supposed to leave their musical instruments, the person that sat next to the place that I put my violin said there was no person that got all 100 in the first semester test except for one person. But not our class, so I was very surprised. I found out who was the spreader of the fake news and found out that it was our vice-class president. And I thought, because he is our vice-class president, he would be right. But it was wrong when the test results were revealed. There were even three people including me that got all 100! I thought I was going to fly in the moment that I got all of my test score.
Also, after that, I had an English contest, and got sliver price! Although I was not the champion of the contest, I was satisfied because does friends that got higher price than me did not get on hundred in her test. I think that the school sexual is more important than competitions.
It was a very happy day for me!