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Gniweiver(Read it that other way) Dead Poets Society


Dead Poets Society is a very old movie. This movie is mainly about 3 people Neil Perry, Todd Anderson, and the weird teacher John Kiting. Neil is a smart kid who went to a super duper ultra extraordinary Supercalifragliciousexpialidociously good high school. And there is this Guy named Todd who's name is certainly NOT toad, who is not so smart but came to this supercalifragliciiousexpialidociously good high school with effort. This Toad guy seems to have pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis and can't breathe well. I will explain the story by this Toad guy's point of view. Todd, goes to this good school and be friends with some guys who are some smart, some stupid. They meet a teacher named John, who is weird. He was the kind of teacher who loved ripping books, spinning around, screaming, going on top of desks, kicking balls, not following school rules, and knows lots of poetry and hates some people. Anyways, Todd learns lots of poetry start to thank, like admire this teacher. And his friends a thing called 'dead poets society' and makes a group named that. They make poets, read them, sing, play in midnight, in the woods in a cave, secretly. It all went good until they started to weird stuff like smoking, drinking and stuff. well but nothing went really wrong still. But Neil, who wanted to be a actor, goes to a stage without his father's permission. He does well, but his dad pulls him out of school and criticizes him. And Neil.. suicides due to stress and cannot doing his dream. This thing spread out the school, and the weird teacher John, gets blamed for letting Neil go to the play. SO this teacher gets fired. IN the middle of class from another teacher, they tell this teacher that they ripped off their pages of introduction which disappointing this bad new teacher. As John was going out of class, as he took is stuff, Todd stands up in his chair(What they used to do), and call, "Oh captain, My captain!"(What they used to call John) and many people follows Todd and I cried because it was touching.


p.s Cloudwing is better than Dreamstar.


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