Our google classroom is DELETED!! NOOOOOO!! I tried to go into there again by typing in the code (I found a homework document that had all of the code of the google classroom for Mr. Patrick's 5th grade) but I cannot access it anymore :(
Well I guess if he doesn't delete the google classroom, he would have like 10s like 40 google classroom so far and it would be so hard...and I think we can't meet Mr. Patrick anymore much because when we have offline, he does online, and when we have online, 5th grade is offline. Unless we are offline, and he is doing online in his classroom..then maybe we can meet him. But he almost-all-the-time do in his home.
Anyways, I am going to miss you guys...if this WIX site is going to be deleted (I really hope not), WE CAN TALK IN HANGLOUTS. What hangouts? I mean google hangouts, the chatting room made by google. I have invited all of you guys...Daniel, Savina, Irene, Yoonseo, Yoomin, Jisoo...and also Mr. Patrick, so go into g mail, and in the most below-and left side, you will see Hangouts and you would be in there. Yoomin and Yoonseo already accessed and chatted with me :)
Well you guys are Mr. Brenden right? I am Ms. Linda. I have figured out that Mr. Brenden is on the 5th floor, and I am on the same time with you guys, so maybe I can have a visit for a while, I can visit right? Unless Mr. Brenden is not there. Like Laurie visiting our class. But I didn't find Mr. Brenden's class on the 5th floor yet, I mean, did it change to Mr. Nick's class? Or maybe there is another class that is on the 5th floor, but I didn't find it yet because I am new. Well I am likely going to find it out today, and visit you guys!
Well thank you everyone for being my friends and classmates! And thank you Mr. Patrick, for teaching me with such effort! Bye guys!
(If the woman was unlucky, she might have drowned, wappp pushing man!)