Um, yes. Hi, I'm apparently still here! I'm here! I'm here! I am living! I am still Dain! I still hate Daniel! I still am glad we aren't doing project! I still hate zoom! I miss PT2! My new class is too quiet and they think I am kind and sweet and quiet but I AM NOT! I wanna go back maybe but I can't anyway so I might as well appreciate that I am still next door! Daniel should gimmie back my ulti guide! I already read the Broken code! GIMMIE! I am so confused with Mr. S! he loves to say Just kidding! I learned yesterday that Julia was the quietest person I've ever met! I still want to post worriers if (maybe) Mr. P will let me! CONVINCE HIM THAT GREAT DAIN WANTS TO POST HERE STILL! Tell him to NOT ban her from this Wix which will break her heart enough to make her hunt down Mr. Patrick and smack with his mother's metal and wood large cooking spoon! DON'T BAN MEEEE! I wanna continue the Worriers and maybe give little secret updates about Mr. S and I can't be sure to be loyal enough to him. I am not used to his community but I still love it which is weird but I am weird and always vow to BE weird so nothing really changes. And tell Mr. P that my mom is great and she will not smack me with Willy the spoon! And I would continue the Worriers but Mr. S won't let me write like a script form so I have to write it like a book form and He is kind but weird and makes bad jokes, as much as Mr. Patrick's, and he thinks he is great, which is not true, I am great, and he should STOP THINKING THAT I AM A ANGEL, BUT A DEVIL partly because I am a cheek and got in trouble 9 times for moving floors Peai, so he'd better deny that I am a devil sooner or later before I show him BY FORCE orrrrrrr..... he can learn the hard way!
Mr. S was planning to prank me on my first day, but he COMPLETELY forgot about that, so :)
Nothing will ever change me! I am still awesome, and still think that I am awesome, and I am worried that some people like Leo might quit, and tell them not to, and If there is a replacement-of-Dain-who-is-a-girl, I won't be too happy.
I realized that this post is getting quite long, but LIKE I CARE.
I will post here again very soon. Tell Mr. P PLEASE DON'T BAN ME FROM HERE BECAUSE BLOG AND WARRIORS IS LIFE. I cannot live without it. If he will break her heart enough to make her hunt down Mr. Patrick and smack with his mother's metal and wood large cooking spoon. so NO BANNING HER!!!
Bai~~ ^^