I personally don’t know what numeral symbols are basically. I am going to guess that it is roman numerals? I assuming that because they both have the word numeral. Very bad guess but that is the best guess of all of the guesses I have. So that is what I am going to use in this blog post. But the thing is that I only have one (I) Idea so, I guess I can not say that is the best idea I have. And also because I am too lazy, I will not search it up. The only roman numerals I know is 1(I), 2(II), 3(III), 4(IV), 5(V), 6(VI), 7(VII), 8(VIII), 9(IX), 10(IX) and that is all. I used to know eleven but I forgot it.I found those reading books in which the chapter numbers are written in roman numerals. And because my memories are very bad, I do not remember any more roman numerals. And because all this time, I was talking about roman numerals, this blog’s topic will be about roman numerals. And I do not know anything else about roman numerals so I guess this is the end of this blog.
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