I want a dog so badly. When I saw my friend's dog, it looked so cute. That made me really want a dog. Now, I seriously want a dog. My life is not happy these days and it's kind of boring. But if I have a dog it would be way better for me. First of all, it will make me very active. I will play with the dog and be responsible for it. My mom does not want me to have a dog. She says I don't have the responsibility. Also, she says that we cannot even go to some places when we have dogs. Lastly, she says that she and my sister has fur allergies. So I asked her if there were any other pets that I could have. And she said "No." I screamed in my mind when I just heard that. I think it is not fair because my mom had a pet dog and another kind of pet when she was young. But I am her age and I did not have even one pet. When I grow up, I will really have a pet dog or cat. Right now, my life is not fun, but when I grow up I think it will be fun because of my future dog.