Mr.Patrick: "Okay, everybody. So, we have to use numerous nouns and verbs in narrative essay, in detail." For example, (And, then he is telling everybody about a chef is making a kimchi milkshake)
Us: (basically screaming our head off.)
So, I want to continue the story that Mr.Patrick started:
'The chef clanked two knives with each other which made a loud sound of metal hitting metal. But, he was just showing off. He dropped his knives and moved his heavy feet out of the restaurant. He thumped toward a old and rusty trash can. He put his stubby arm inside the trash can. Then he took out a gooey and brown kimchi. It was slowly dripping a brown, black, and thick liquid. It dropped on the boots of the chef with a loud 'splat.' Then, he threw the kimchi on the blender with a loud and definite squelch and splatter. After that, he scooped the black milk under the trash can. The odor was magnificent, but, the chef didn't even flinched. He poured the liquid on the blender and started blending. When the mixing was finished, the chef pulled out a brown milkshake with pieces of kimchi stuck on the bottom.'