Who's KIMI JONGI UNI? It's Kim Jong Un. Who's Kim Jung Un? He's the dictator of North Korea. A.K.A. the PIG of North Korea.
Yeahhh....HE IS a DICTATOR!! He's father was called Kim Jung il and his grandfather was called Kim il Sung. Which means, North Korea was ruled by three descendants. And, you know North Korea, right? It's the poorest country (exaggerate) and the president is a pig and a dictator. Who wants more??
They are poor because the country is a communism country. And, as I said it in the last blog, communism doesn't EVER end up good. It always end up bad.
So.....what do we do? We work on to unite north and south Korea back again and make world peace!!
Some people can ask, 'How does United Korea bring world peace?' But, here's the answer. When we unite, we'll have plenty full of money and environment that can possibly make Korea the most wealthiest country in the WORLD.