Once upon a time, the mighty Balsam lived in his beautiful, white and round flowerpot. He woke up everyday and happily smiled as his new leaves were coming o
ut of his belly button which sounds very disgusting but in fact, it isn't. Balsam woke up one day, and was amused by the difference in his stem. He knew then, that he was growing and growing becoming bigger and bigger, and so was his stem. Mighty Balsam said, "One who doesn't work on his beauty can not become as pretty as the one who worked on his beauty." Balsam was confident all week because of his stem and how tall he grew. However, the next week, tragedy struck. Might Balsam was dying! If Balsam studied science just a little bit, he could have found out that the itchy feeling he was feeling was when his leaves are kind of burnt by the sun ray. However, poor Mighty Balsam only cared out his beauty, so he was very dumb. He was stupid. and dumb. So, Balsam became extremely sad for he was a frank plant. So, Balsam decided to die himself because he didn't want to live anymore with his extremely little not even burnt leaf. He thought of an idea of no
t accepting water. This failed very easily because Balsam's owner gave Mighty Balsam a cup of water every time his soil was dense. Mighty Balsam then thought of an idea about himself ripping his stem off. Mighty Balsam tried it that night but suddenly, a day fly came inside the house and whispered to Balsam with a tone that was small but strong. She said that she was a day fly Honey. She asked What are trying to do? Stop. Balsam, did you know that I can live only one day? I don't know where that stupid kind of law of day flies came, but I know that I want to live more. I envy you because you can live a longer life than me. Please, live a happy life for me, Balsam." said Honey with a hoarse voice. Then, Honey flapped her wings once and dropped to the ground as she would never be awake once again. From then, Mighty Balsam regained his confidence and lived and became a beautiful pink Balsam at last. And, he lived happily ever after...
Funny story. Stupid and Dumb Balsam. ㅋㅋ