A memorable event that happened to me recently
The memorable event that has happened to me recently was my tooth pulled out. I was in my home struggling to find the solution to the math question, when my mother and I went to my aunt, and it all started there.
I was happy all the way to the dentist because I was able to pull out my wiggling tooth, and the wiggling teeth had a big hole in it. I thought that it would feel like heaven when I pulled out this tooth because it wasn’t very helpful to me. I needed to chew the food using my left jaw which I hardly ever used! However, when I went closer and closer to the hospital, I felt nervous. When I stepped inside the hospital, I still was nervous, but instead, I felt a feeling when you know what was going to happen in the future. When my turn to go to the dentist came, I felt funny inside. I surely felt a lot of different feelings when I was in with the dentist. The dentist was my aunt, and she kindly told me how she was going to pop the holed tooth out nicely and not hurt me.
My aunt said that she was going to numb the nerve and then pull my tooth out. It sounded like a great plan. However, when the minutes passed, and the time I had to pull my teeth out came, I thought it was going to hurt a lot. So, I asked my aunt and she said that it will probably just feel like getting a shot. However, it didn’t. I clenched my fists so strongly that my fingernails made prints on my skin. It hurted even more because the tooth came out in 4 big cracking noises. I yelled, “ ARGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!” inside my mind until the tooth came out. It came out as one big piece of tooth, but I thought that the tooth had cracked into a million pieces. Later, I found that I could have pulled the tooth out too early , and that it wasn’t like heaven after I pulled out my tooth. It was in fact, terrible.
So, readers of this blog,don’t pull a tooth out until it wigglies like crazy, okay?