Making the script, remembering the script… There is a lot of things to do. But I don’t know About you but for me, Projects are very fun. They seem to take a lot of time and effort and thought into it. They bring the creativity out of me. Like If the teachers go like, “So. We are going to do a project!”
Then inside I would be like "YAY!!" But Outside I would be acting casual. Then In break-time, I would talk to my teammates like “What do you think we should do?” I just talk all day long about the project that I am doing. My teammates would know that. I just talk to them about the project. I try my best and pour all my thoughts into it. But the hardest part I think is remembering all the things you wrote. I personally have 'short-term memory loss' kind of… I don’t actually have it, I just feel like it. I'm not that good at remembering. I just forget an important thing after like 2 seconds.
Like if a person went like, “Hi! my name is Tei!”
I would say “Hi…. uhmmmm (What was their name again?)” Only sometimes. Anyways, back to the topic… ‘What's the topic..’ Anyways yeah….