In 5 years, our school is doing talent shows again. This year, for our class, we would be singing trots. First, I thought that it was very gross. It was because I usually saw people that were about 50 years old singing trots. However, our group found a fun trot music called “Redevelopment of Love.” It has a fast beat and it is easy to follow. However, it didn’t matter because we were supposed to change lyrics and choreography. Our team’s theme was Our land and we needed to change it like this: Love everything! From North Korea to Jeju Island. (It became weird because I translated to English myself.) Also, we changed the choreography. I was the main part to change it. Also, I was taking the part of going up to the highest note of the song so I was very important.
This Tuesday, we rehearsed and I found out that the boys did not memorize the choreography that I made for them. Even though we started in like this month, it was a quite serious situation that they did not memorize the choreography before two days.
However, believe it or not, I believe them and I do believe that they will do a great job on the stage tomorrow. Also, I think that it would be a great experience for me to do because I think after this, I would not be afraid of going on stage.