In the day of voting, our school was in break. Because there was a lot of time before going to the academy, so my mom and I went to the eye clinic and dermatology. In the eye clinic, there were no patients at all because it was early morning. So, we did the diagnosis very fast and went to the dermatology. IN the dermatology, the nurses covered my face with a liquid that I have never felt and put my face inside the lasers. After that, they said they were going to also cover my face with a calming cream, and was going to put some dough and wait until it hardened. The dough and calming cream was a ice rubbing my face. After that, my mom went to get an injection. I was waiting my mom to get all of those, and touched my face with no dough on it. It was like touching an angel’s skin. It was very smooth, soft and kind of touchy. We went to our academy very quickly in rush that we are going to be late, but there was no traffic jam and we went there almost one hour and a half early! It was very thrilling going to my academy and was able to study in my daily test.