Siah: (Irritated) Enough of this nonsense! You have your weapons, right?
Erin: Yes...if you can call a black-and-white photo a “Weapon”...
Seline: As it is your symbol, long-lost-color-warrior-foraged-from-the-living-world, it is indeed your weapon. Now, press this pencil on the map!
Yoonseo: (Hesitating) What if it’s a trap? What if while we’re busy working on the map, they swallow us up?
Siah: (Growling) We’ll REALLY swallow you if you keep on going on this nonsense! Hurry up! Press the pencil to the map!
Professor Melody: (Presses pencil to the paper)
Light suddenly shines out of the map. I blink for a few seconds, before quickly opening them wide and look down at the drawing. Little marks made across blue-tipped cottages. Heading past jagged blue mountain tips to the road beside the long river, reaching at a large gray castle.
Yoonseo: Thank you for giving this to us!
Seline: Whenever you’re in danger, you can count on us to protect you! No one would DARE hurt two hyenas like us!
Erin: Thank you for your help! I hope we see you again someday!
We wave farewell to the hyenas, and disappear into the dense forests.
Seline & Siah’s POV (Point of view)
Seline: So the warriors have gone.
Siah: But are you sure they ARE the warriors? I mean...they’re too…
Seline: (Growls affectionately) Too young? Being young doesn’t stop their magic blood from flowing.
Siah: (Shrugging) I guess.
Seline: I just hope they can cope with Yellowficent’s manipulation…
End of POV
(Thank you for checking out this blog! ^^)