Erin: The village with the blue cottages doesn’t seem too far from here. We should follow the yellow trail.
Yoonseo: We must be in this part, inside the cave. (Presses finger on little cave on the left side of the map)
Chris: C’mon! We have to keep going, or otherwise, we’ll lose all of the sunlight soon!
Professor Melody: We’re currently near the entrance to this cave, so we might be able to get out of here soon, too. We’d better think of making shelter in this little red-tipped cottage on the map. I don’t think the sun will be up until we get out of here.
I feel glad that Professor Melody insisted on coming on, now. As much as I would have liked to say that kids can do just as well as adults, there’s a limit to what they CAN do. We scurry along the dark path, slowly pulling out of the daylight, and approaching into the cave.
The cave isn’t as hard to navigate as we expected, because there is mostly just one path leading to a quite clear destination. However, it’s so long. After what seems like 3 or 4 hours, we are still walking. My legs are throbbing, and I’m pretty sure that when we get out of here, it’ll probably be midnight. Suddenly, I see a dim, narrow ray of light spreading into the cave from outside.
Yoonseo: Liggghhhhtttt!!!!
Chris: We’re at the entrance!
We jumped out of the cave in a heartbeat.
Professor Melody: (Sighs in relief) There’s the red-tipped cottage in front of us!
Without stopping to rest, though my knees are howling in protest, we dash over to the house we’ve never known would be such a happy sight to see.
Chris: Hello? Is anyone there?
No reply. We decide it must be an empty house, and step inside. The house, as expected, is abandoned. We peer inside and see that it’s old and rusty, with spiders falling in every direction from the roof; not exactly the most appealing place to sleep in, but we don’t have another choice.
(To be continued...)