Tei: Alright, so here starts the entrance!
Yoonseo: Yeah, you guys ready?
Daniel: YEAH! Whoosh whoosh BAM BAM
April: Woah Woah guys...I think we shouldn't just have this "war" as just killing maliciously, I mean, we should be more like careful. By just walking on and running on and just forcing, we might die OURSEVLES.
Dain: YEA you are quite right...then how do we do?
April: I think if there are boards that identify each plants, we can use each important tools. So we won't waste any of them. So here is the entrance, and look at the below there is another sign, anyone like to read it? *cough cough*
Yoomin: I will! Um, so the sign says "So the first level of the Mysterious Plant Valley...These are the dangerous trees that lean toward you, and spray poisonous fumes at you...do you have a mask? Or a knife? Whatever tools, you must avoid the fumes...the fumes are very poisonous.
Jisoo: wait..do we have any masks?
Ian: Yep we do, of course Jisoo! I hate disgusting bugs, so I brought face masks for everybody! And you all have clothings, so you can tie that around your mouth! Moreover, we should close/shut our mouth!
Everyone: YEAH!
*everybody starts*
Savina: Mmmmmmmmmm utmidmsmsmsmsam (Wow, these trees are powerful but working!)
Ian: mytuormsmamam tirrissms,mm mmmm (yeah, but I cannot see, we need a hose or something to get off the fume, the spray will just make more foggier)
Daniel: umumumtoioyots atri! (we don't have a hose, but I can use my fire, to kill off those trees!)
Dain: mmmm (yeah!)
*the trees burn away, with cackling sounds*
Trees: ahhhhh ahhh cackle cackle see you in your dreams the boy with fire!!!
Daniel: of course, you DODOS!
April: Hurray! we did it!
Tei: yeah yeah
Yoomin: great job daniel!
Daniel: WAIITTT WHA...My fire sprayer ended....I mean it needs battery stuff, you guys won't understand the techniques but...the sprayer...I cannot use it anymore.
Dain: WHAAA?
April: we should have saved the most PRECIOUS stuff, but hey, we can still do it....
Everyone: yeah
"BAM BAM BAM!!!!!!!! DOOMED DOOMED DOOMED!!! FIRE SPRAYER HAVE ENDED! WHAT DO WE DO? WHAT DO WE DO? Check out the next story, like this, comment to have greater stories! Bbi!"