Tomorrow is winter break. I am very happy because tomorrow is actually the last day of school, and it is going to be very fun. This is because we are going to have hot chocolate parties, it is a half-day, and we are going to play. There is not going to be any working schedule. Also, tomorrow we will find out who our secret Santa will be. So this is why I am very happy.
The day after tomorrow is winter break!!! But still, I am sad because the winter break is only three weeks. Instead, we have 3 months of summer break and I love it. I will have more time to play and do different things that are very important. Since I will have more time, I can do homework as much as I can, which will make me not busy. I was very stressed because I needed to run all the time to academies. But now, I am free so I feel very good.
I hope I have a good winter break without watching youtube for a huge day.