The top 3 superpower is flying. Many people dream of flying around like a bird. Well, I have dreamed of flying, too. It would be so nice to fly around, without any stuff. If I could fly, I do not need to pay money for an airplane ticket. I don’t have to match time, I just have to fly and go to a place I want to go. For these reasons, flying took the place of top 3.
The top 2 superpower is teleportation. Oh, it would be so good to teleport! I am sometimes late to school or academies. Even though I am not late, I go into class right in time. My mom had talked a lot to me to prepare fast, but it wasn’t easy. I would love to use teleportation to not be late. I want to be a good child who keeps promises by this superpower. For these reasons, teleportation took the place of top 2.
The top 1 superpower is… invisibility! For my personal opinion, invisibility is truly the best superpower in the whole universe. I would use this superpower to look around the world without anyone looking at me. Or I could fool the bad guys by scaring them! Well, if I have this superpower, I am becoming a superhero. I think what superheroes should do is help neighbors. It could be hard, but adventures are always fun^^ Sometimes for fun, I could trick my brother or friends. For these reasons, invisibility took the place of top 1.
These superpowers are all extremely great. Well, the best thing is having all the superpowers, but if I do that, there's no point in writing this blog😅. Therefore, for my opinion, invisibility is the best superpower in the world.