Vacation rocks! Our school started vacation tomorrow. I love to have a vacation. If we have a vacation, we can have more playtime. Also, we can stay up late in the morning. Our school’s break is a little longer than 1 month, so it is quite long? I guess… Before Covid 19, we played with our friends and went on vacations, like to another country. Now, we can’t. I mean we can still go on vacation in our country, Korea but we can’t go to other countries. Last weekend, we went to Bangkok. We had a fun time there, mostly swimming. We had a private pool, so our day in there was like, wake up, swim, eat, swim, eat, swim, sleep. It was our routine for 3 days. It was really fun. But, in this vacation, we are in our house watching youtube. We are also doing homework.
I hope that next year covid 19 will end and everyone could have a normal life. Covid 19 is a hard situation for all of us. I also don’t like covid 19. Because of Covid 19, we can’t meet friends and go on vacation. But, I believe that we can overcome this situation and go back to our real life.