Vacations are the best! But, does anyone wonder why vacations are so short? Does anyone agree, or is it only me? I mean it is not really short if we look at the dates, but it feels that it is very short. I guess it feels short because vacations are fun. Fun time goes fast, but wy hard and boring time goes slow?? Hmm…….. not sure. What do you want to do on summer vacation? I want to play, so I am playing but my parents don’t let me only play. So, I am also studying, and going to extra academies that I hate. But still, I can play more. I am also eating very many foods… Yummy..^^ Oh, I am also doing exercises. I am watching youtube and following the guideline. It is so hard! But, we need to stay healthy. What are you guys doing? Are you playing or studying or doing other things hardly? I am the type of person who is playing and only doing homework.. haha. I also do baking, and I make so many mistakes. So many mistakes that are made by me!! Ahhhh...I think that it is time to end the blog, Bye?!