(Cause I don't know what a semicolon is, I'm just writing)
(I'm gonna add in more after I learn it.)
Ok. Warriors is a GREAT book. But there are negative parts of it. First, TWO (Dain: THREE!) author wrote this together. I though Erin hunter was just a person. Well, That's
fine. But the NAMES is hard to understand. You know like, it's not two person like this
person 1:Erin
Person 2:Hunter
I thought it like this but it was not. Erin Hunter is a fantasy pseudonym with adventures with the noble Holmes, Hollywood, Isle of Inbal, Thuy T. Saran, Inbal Daldal and Rosie Best. at least, Google says so. And all of this is fine. but one of the name have BEST in it. Well why don't MY name have best?(Everybody:Bcs ur dad's name doesn't start with BEST duh.) Oh and that there is many authors, something is weird. A cat named Purdy's parlance keep changing. I'm too lazy to find a picture of it and too lazy to take a pic of it by my self. Also, some thing is weird. In some ulti guides and special edition, the authors make mistakes when apprentices's name suddenly become future name and come back to present name. Weird right? I bet Not much people realize it while reading it.(I'm think I am a genius finding out THAT) If you red the whole pic, even tho you guys can't in the light part, it's fine, can see the name, Goosepaw and then it suddenly becomes goosefeather.
Factz: Wings of Fire is written by some of the same authors