Feat. Dreamstar, Clodubuwing, Mlp Twinkletail :3
(586427659872610382657240387136958472364276598726103826572403871369584723642765987261038265724038713695847236427659872610382657240387136958472364276598726103826572405387136958472364273659872610382657240387136958472364276598726103826572406572403871369584727236 years ago)
Dreamstar: Dreamstar is better than Cloudwing.
Cloudwing: Cloudwing is better than Dreamstar.
Dreamstar: Dreamstar is better than Cloudwing.
Cloudwing: Cloudwing is better than Dreamstar.
Dreamstar: Dreamstar is better than Cloudwing.
Cloudwing: Cloudwing is better than Dreamstar.
Dreamstar: Dreamstar is better than Cloudwing.
Cloudwing: Cloudwing is better than Dreamstar.
Dreamstar: Dreamstar is better than Cloudwing.
Cloudwing: Cloudwing is better than Dreamstar.
Dreamstar: Dreamstar is better than Cloudwing.
Cloudwing: Cloudwing is better than Dreamstar.
Dreamstar: Dreamstar is better than Cloudwing.
Cloudwing: Cloudwing is better than Dreamstar.
Dreamstar: Dreamstar is better than Cloudwing.
Cloudwing: Cloudwing is better than Dreamstar.
Dreamstar: Dreamstar is better than Cloudwing.
Cloudwing: Cloudwing is better than Dreamstar.
Dreamstar: Dreamstar is better than Cloudwing.
Cloudwing: Cloudwing is better than Dreamstar.
(743283942573257824 years later)
Dreamstar: Cloudwing is better than Dreamstar!!
Cloudwing: Dreamstar is better than Cloudwing!!
Dreamstar: Cloudwing is better than Dreamstar!!
Cloudwing: Dreamstar is better than Cloudwing!!
Dreamstar: Cloudwing is better tha- Oh wait.
Cloudwing: DrE!AM!STA!RH!IS!BETTER!THAN!CLOU!D!WI.... (realizes what he is saying) oh no.
Dreamstar:........ Dreamstar is better than Cloudwing.
(Goes on for another 48527436958761438761587694238756 years)
A cat named Twinkle: Hello! Im Twinkle! Also I am not a worrier and dont know what the heck that is but I would like to be one! Ok! Thank you! I am now called Twinkletail! Call me Twinkletail, please!!!!!
Dreamstar: Uhhhhhh OK! (Doesnt realize she is talking to a loner who she'd never ever ever lever never ever lever never met in her life and thinks he is a CrazyClam worrier too) I am Dreamstar! and I am the best!
Cloudwing: No, loner who I never ever ever lever never ever lever never met in my life and I think you are a CrazyClam worrier! She is a wrongen! I am the best!
Dreamstar: Stop stuttering! You said Dreamstar as Cloudwing, you muffin! Stop making mistakes that should not be maken!!!
Cloudwing: What are you talking about??? I was correcting your-
Twinkletail: (Thinking: How long has this been going on) I am the b-
Dreamstar and CLoudwing: (Snapping their heads around immediately) WHAAAAAAAAT??????? WHAAAAT????
Dreamstar: These are the two most troublemakers ever!! how dare u mis-say DREAMSTAR as CLOUDWING or TWINKLETAIL??
Cloudwing: How dare U mis-say ClOUDWING as DREAMSTAR or TWINKLETAIL??!?!?!
Dreamstar: I am poggers. (Double thumbs up) WOOOOOH!
Twinkletail: .......... (not knowing why the conversation was drifting off) I am the best now.
Dreamstar and CLouwing: (At the same time) ..... At least you are better than THAT guy- (points at each other) WHAAAT? ME? NO! YOU! NOT ME! OBVIOUSLY MEEEEEE! ME! ME! ME! ME! ME!
Moral: Dreamstar is better than CLoudwing and mlp Twinkletail >:3