Everyone: WHAT?!?!
Pandy: My name is Pandy, nice to meet y'all. I’m magical, so I have two forms, panda, and panda like humans.
Bera: ….I’m losing my mind..
Erin: So.. You… are..the panda I created..?
Pandy: Yup! And that girl *Pointing at Cora* seems to be attached to me…
Pandy: Woah woah.. slow down ya know..
Agni: (Wailing) Now, what is Sir. Maddueling gonna say?? He'll expel us!!
Pandy: (Shaking his head) Noo, he won’t. I won’t let him harm anyone.
Mark(Whispering): Now there goes a fight AGAIN…. Agni: (Eye roll) Well, as IF we owe you now. I’ve been having a lot of problems just trying to get your CREATORS their uniforms! Now shoo! Shoo! GET OUT OF HERE, YOU STUPID HALF-PANDA!!
Pandy: (Highly offended) Excuse me? I’m not STUPID! I can do A LOT of things like eating bamboo, sucking on leaves, pouncing on squirrels…
Agni: …
Erin: Okaayyyyyy…?
Bera: …..
Pandy: Now, what’s this all Fuss about? Rather than her *Pointing at Agni*,
Chris(Whispering): This panda …. is….. umm….wait… how did he even become a human in the first place…?
Yoonseo(Whispering): MAGIC
Pandy: Whatcha talkin’ about??
Savina: Nothing!
Mike(Glancing at Agni): She’s weird, does she have ice cream?
Everyone: NO!
The 6 chosen children(Except for Mike): MAKE YOUR OWN, MIKE!!!
Mike(Scared): O...Okay..
Pandy: Now creator, I’m bored, I’m gonna turn into my pendent form, call me when you need me!
Now Pandy turned into a panda shaped pendant.. wow.. what’s happening to me?
Mina: Did he just-
Yuria: I just remembered…. The Black and White Warrior is able to create an alive creature that talks and has magic powers and everything...
Iro: Typical panda.
Pandy (As pendant): EXCUSE ME??????? I’M NOT TYPICAL!!!
Erin(Covering ears): Hey! That was wayyyyy too loud.
Agni(Stomping on the ground):Now we are ALL going to get EXPELLED!!!
Caroline(Coming into the room): Now what’s all this fuss about??
Susanna: (Dark circles under eyes) We can’t rest, be quiet...
Cora: Umm...Panda…?
Pandy (Pendant): Yes?
The people in the room: We all know..
Pandy: Now, let me go to SLEEP!! You guys are all annoying..
Savina: Goldy, this is crazy..
Goldy the Golden Potato: Yep!
Yoonseo: You named the golden potato Goldy??
Savina: Yep!
Goldy: Hi guys!
Dale: My head is going to explode…
Caroline: Ah-hem!! Now, what are we going to do???
Sussana: Wait..Why do I hear-
Teacher: I heard some loud noises so I ca-AIMMMEEEEE!!!!
The teacher, shrieking with fear, literally just fainted.
Dale: Now we are 100%! expelled…
Bera: I’ll hypnotize her...
Chris: You can do that???
Mark: Cool!
Bera: It’s part of my Purple magic…
Bera enchanted a spell on the teacher. Everyone was quiet.
Bera: Done! Goldy: Are you sure? Let me check..
Goldy popped out of Savina’s pocket, and went forward to the teacher. Goldy quickly slapped the teacher's face, Kicked her a bit, and sprinkled some gold dust on her.
Still, no answer.
Chris: Umm… Goldy..? What if she wakes up..-
Goldy: She’s officially hypnotized!
Kayleen: We’re in SO much trouble. That teacher is Mrs. Maddueling; Sir. Maddueling will be so mad when he finds out that we hypnotized his wife…
So, to assure a frantic Kayleen, Iro, who is the most experienced Colorer out of all of us, uses a control magic over Mrs. Maddueling, so that she, who knows all the secrets to Obedience School, will help us around this palace. Dale tells us that we can’t keep the panda with us forever, so he’s gonna move him down to his small, crooked cottage, and let him roam free in the bamboo field, while making him his “HELPER” as he says. He assures us that we can visit Pandy any time we want, and he takes the pendant hanging that Pandy changed into, wishes us good night, and hurries out of the room with Agni, Sussana, Caroline, and Cora.
Kayleen stays with us and watches us quickly eat up all the food that Dale brought for us. Every baked item that we have in our hands is warm and delicious. Dale must have a secret stash of these, or otherwise, he’s really good at baking.
Kayleen: (Checking the clock on her wrist) I hafta go now...Professor Raven is looking for me…
Mike: (Eyes made in hearts) Do you HAVE to go??
Chris:*Glares at Mike*
Kayleen: *Thinking that Mike is going insane* Umm...yes? Professor Everson will be SO angry if I waste his time...
Mike: (Slightly disappointed) Ok…
Erin: Thank you SO much for helping us, Kayleen. We really appreciate it…
Kayleen: (Beaming) Hey, no prob! Just eat that butter scone for me, will ya? See me at the force field tomorrow! The tools assistant and enchantment-making driver Ethan Acomb will supply you with weapons. Meanwhile, Iro is aging now, so he has to be one of the teachers.
Iro: (Offended) Excuse me? I’m only 20!
Goldy: Just Manage Iro…
Savina: Now Imma go explore! Let's go Goldy!
Mina: Yuria, didn’t we finish learning to fight years ago??
Yuria: I’m sure we finished at the age of 8!
Erin: Woah woah woah… YOU FINISHED IT 4YEARS AGO???
Yuria: It’s all normal for us, the assistance of her colorness…
Yoonseo: Now, What should we do?
I saw this already in the docs... But I am leaving a comment now...(sorry)
And how did I(Yuria) finish the whole fighting thingy at the age of 8?????
p.s. I just imagined Pandy, and I think he will be cute in the form of a panda😊