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Yellow invasion x obedience school 5!


Erin: Dunno…


Mark: Aww man! You're too good at chess..

Chris: Learning chess from my dad finally pays off…..!

Erin: I’ll go get Savina now, we have to sleep ..

Savina: I’m back!

Yoonseo: Just as you said that…

Mike: *Snores*

Bera: He is already asleep…

Yuria: Yup...but speaking of sleeping, I’m kind of tired too…*loud snoring*

Mina: We have so much to do tomorrow...I’m certainly not looking forward to going back to the training field again…

Bera: What if we hurt ourselves? I vowed that I’d never go back there AGAIN after I hurt my leg at the last training…*Gznork*

Mark: (Yawns) I’m tired too...let’s go to sleep…

Erin: Sure…

We wear the orange pajamas that Chris conjured for us (the boys sent to another room); Yuria and Bera prefer to wear the school Pajamas that Dale gave us, reminding themselves of their fighting times when they were youngsters, but Mina, who is always the kindest of all of us, carefully wears the orange Pajamas. We lie on the rug, and pull up the orange covers up to our necks, huddled together. It’s rather uncomfortable, Mike’s rug, and the moonlight drifting in through the window pierces my eyelids, forcing them to close. We slowly, and VERY reluctantly fall asleep, as slowly as we can.

(Early morning, sunlight drifting into the room)

Agni: (Bursting into the room) WAAKKEEEE UPPPPP!!!! Obedience training is STARTING!

Erin: (Grumbling) Do we HAFTA go this early?

Bera: (Looking at her purple wrist-watch) It’s already 8, guys…

Agni: (Growling) YES! And your 1 hour LATE for TRAINING! And Kayleen STILL has to take you to your battle grounds!

Mike: (Swooning) KAYLEEN???

Agni: (Eyeing him) must be the one that Kayleen warned me about...told me you were kind of...STRANGE.

Mike: (Slightly sad) DID she?

Mark: (Patting him on the back) Love is always hard, brother.

Savina: (Shakes her head)

Chris: C’mon, let’s wear our uniforms and get outta here.

We all wear our fresh, tight, and leg-tying uniforms, and nibble on the crumbles from the chocolate cookies that Dale gave us. We’re all nervous, Mark not knowing why we have to learn how to fight instead of education.

Yuria: But this is a good chance to learn to fight against the forces from the Yellow Side! We MUST learn to FIGHT!

Mina: That’s quite true. Yellowficient and her gang are most likely to come sooner or later, they must have a tracker…

Everyone: WHAT?!

Bera: (In a dark tone) Hmm...I knew they were becoming more and more advanced, but I never knew…

Agni: Hurry UP!!

Yoonseo: (Spilling cookie crumbs all over her shirt) Okay, OK!

After we finish eating our so-called “Breakfast”, we venture over to the Cave Entrance (it’s originally called the front door, but Savina said that’s no fun) where Kayleen is waiting for us. She’s not that kind, angelic girl we saw yesterday. In fact, today she’s wearing a huge PISTOL on her gray-colored belt. Dale’s face by now, is the color of an over-cooked plum, as he stands huffing, beside Kayleen.

Dale: (Hissing) Why did you come so late? Kayleen has been threatening me for the last hour with her pistol! Do you know how scary it even IS?!

Kayleen: (Grumpy) Why so late? EXPLAIN.

Erin: Well, we overslept, and-

Kayleen: No talk, more walk! We have to go to the force field immediately! Savina, Mike, and Mark, you’ll go to Professor Pendante. Bera, Mina, and Yuria, you’ll go to Professor Raven with me and Caroline. And Yoonseo, Chris, and Erin, you three’ll go to Professor Melody with Sussana.

Yuria: Why do WE have the RAVEN??

Kayleen: C’mon, you’ll all grow to RESPECT your mentors later on.

Erin(Whispering): Yoonseo, how are we exactly going to survive….?

Yoonseo(Whispering): I don’t know! This isn’t exactly like Harry Potter and dreams… It’s a NIGHTMARE!

Savina: *Pointing at Mark* Why do I always go with HIM???

Mark: *Pointing at Savina* Why do I always go with HER??

Ohh… Right….. Those two somehow always… get in the same group… This is probably… 1..2.3.4,5,6,7,8,9,.... Umm… I don’t know..


But then… We hear sounds.

A crash. A boom. And some language that-

Savina (Stunned): Minions?

Erin(Surprised): How did they-

Minion: *Makes minion language noises*

Kayleen: …?

Bera: They are already here? All of you! Get back, you guys don’t know how to fight them.. They are different from normal people!

Mina: We’ll have to seize them...

Yuria: Where’s Iro??

Iro: Sorry I’m late! Bera, one of the most talented warriors, merely spawns a purple sword and starts attacking the minions. Yuria quickly spawns a silver arrow, and starts shooting the people at the back.


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