(P.S this is all fact, or my Opinion about the tokyo olympics.)
All of you people know about the tokyo olympics. You heard it a thousand no million no billion no trillion no gazillion times in CNN 10.
So much it was very annoying. As a complete.
Yea sure, Olympics in Tokyo, cool. However, there are some interesting facts about the Tokyo Olympics.
First, as you might have expected, nuclear topping ed food.
Ooh~ DELICIOUS isn’t it? So, we Koreans aren’t stupid are we! We no like seeing a mouse’s fate that has a owl flying over it that japan is gonna use nuclear mixed food and we also know that nuclear is bad. So We Koreans ate food that Korean chefs made. Then Japanese netizens badmouthed us by saying stuff like
‘ Koreans are too bad, they make fukushima or hookushima or whatever the nuclear swept place farmers so heartbroken!’
This isn’t all. The US also (following our genius brain’s ideas) ate food by US chefs. U no wat? The netizens NOW said,
‘Oh, we understand the heart of US people that they want to feed their athletes good food! ‘
Wow We and the Us did the same things and Japan badmouthed just one side!
Next, Did you know that the beds for the athletes were made out of paper! This was because former Japan PM Abe’s brother was the CEO from a paper company. One athlete posted a video of the bed like melting down when he sat on it.
There are also no refrigerators nor Tvs in the rooms of the athletes. SERIOUSLY! How come there are no REFRIGERATORS? Are they MAD?
Many netizens, when they saw this said Japan was being middle aging(Japan Getting closer to the technology of the middle ages. )
yes hedgehog and there are no TVs in the middle ages, like the Tokyo Olympics are now.
Also,did you know that in the gun shooting court, there is an Air conditioner but its all broken up so its 40 degrees!
Now ppl this is the real fun part so wait till you go out!
NK said this and its real funny(sort of a joke)
(drum roll)
All of you know that in the olympic guidance, Our dokdo is marked as Japan’s?

Seeing this, North Korea said
‘I didn’t know there was a new olympic topic called land stealing’
Like, NK’s a genius aren’t they? Nobody?
SO~ time for conclusion! Japan was once a not so bad(sorta) country, but still, I believe that Japan is a bit out of minds.
Oh the Olympic games start today i think...
Paper Bed??? Seriously??