I still can’t believe to this day, December 29th, that we are splitting up.I haven’t been in this class as long as Roy or Jake. It’s the end of my second year at peai. We have been together for so long and I will never forget that. You guys will still be all of my friends forever. And 6th grade may be hard but hang in there you guys. Also I don't think I will still be in peai in middle school. I probably won’t go to a middle school in Seoul. But anyways, here are the things that I noticed about each and every one of you. (girls rule so girls first!)
Julia is really nice. She always understands if something is wrong and tries to help us if we need help. She has a great fashion sense in clothes, hair etc. (I could go on and on about this.) She is the only one in our class that has dyed hair and really long hair.
Brace yourselves. This story might get a bit murder-y. LOL Joyce is the scary one in the class but with a really good sense of humor. She always says that she is going to kill Roy in the middle of class. She has nun-chucks that Julia gave her for her birthday and always tells Roy about them. Other her murdering skills, she is the best debater in the class. She loves the whip role and only wants to be the whip role even though she is good at other roles too.
Here comes ms.student of the month! Stella is really smart. I think she can master english.after all, she is the one who is leveling up to M class.(yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But also boo hoo…..ㅠㅠ) when i don’t get something or need to ask her something for a project, she comes up and helps me whenever she can. She is friendly with her knowledge in things.we are all gonna miss you, stella!!!!!!!!!!
Welcome,our queen. Jen always puts her name as “queen jen” in zoom.she knows tae-kwon-do and shows her skills.she is smart too and always thinks up ideas for projects along with editing and comments.she knows what to do and is really confident and honest.
Okay, now the BOYS. I tried really hard to think up this stuff!
The OWL. sihoo flaps his wings all the time in our class to show his happiness. He also loves debate and is a strong prey for Joyce to hunt. But he is also really smart too. I have also noticed something about sihoo. When he gets mad, he either says “hey!” or “I'm not gonna play with you!”.I guess they call it his “thing.”
Ryan is really into baseball.he loves the LG twins. When there is something that we don’t know, he always knows the answer to it. He is also good at two things.First,his memory.i think we call it “Ryan's memory.com.”but he is also good at computers. He’s like the technician guy in our class. It think once he even did something that not even mr.p can do. He is also the king of CNN 10. he is a really fast typer too.
You guys know him. The bear. The mischievous one. He always talks about bears and says he likes honey. He also LOVES doosan bears. (because he is addicted to bears.) i also found some common phrases that Roy says.
#1. “Oh~fascinating.Tell me more.”
#2. “Ummmmm…..”
#3. “AHEM!”
If you guys agree with this, then PLEASE put it in the comments below.
He is the quietest one in our class. He really likes dumplings, so his email is even dumplings. Also i think he loves his grandma. He always says on Saturday that he will go to his grandma’s house.
Introducing……the dolphin. Jake is obsessed with dolphins. He is actually claimed to be the friendliest guy in our class. He’s also really good at reply speech in debate. He gets good scores on tests too.
*fun fact: (Jake likes tearing off his bedroom wallpaper if he can’t sleep.)
So last words you guys, i am really glad that we had so much fun in our past years and i hope i see some of you guys at peai!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!