Let me tell you about a boy. He goes to my Math Acadamy and I don't know his Korean name, so me and my brother nicked named him "Hog". You'll soon find out why after I tell you some of the things he does.
You see, my academy is located in Eunma Building, and there is a store that sells candy, snacks, and gum at a really cheap price. Hog always says that he'll go to the bathroom and then he comes back with an ice cream cone or a Pepsi. One time, he got a Pepsi and then drank it all in CLASS TIME, with others around, and then he began BURPING. That's just totally disgusting. My brother once saw him eat 2 ice cream cones and 1 big bag of snacks at break time (30 minutes) alone.
He also LOVES to hog stuff. Do you know how it's sorta really cold these last few weeks? And see, Eunma Building is not that warm. So, in the classroom, there is one heater /air conditioner on the ceiling and one moveable one. Hog, he always pulls the moveable one to himself, puts his arm on it, and sleeps.
You might be wondering what kind of teacher mine is by letting Hog do that. My teacher is very strict and very hard disciplined. Pray that your mother wouldn't find this academy. But still, my teacher cares for us (students) very much. From what I think, she just gave up on him. Hog is really, the worst person I saw in my life and he can't change.
More onto Hog, you probably heard of 수학의 정석 once, right? Well, Hog does this but don't you start thinking that he's smart. He copied all of the answers to that book ( The answers are in the back of the textbook ) and was caught red-handed.
This one is about food again. (This was before COVID 19) Me and my brother shared a bag of Corn Chips during break time. Hog, from the looks of it, had already finished his snack and ran out of money. So, he took a seat right next to us and kept staring at the Corn Chips while we were eating it! We had to get out of the academy and find another place to eat, thanks to Hog.
Wait! 1 last thing about Hog. Sometimes, he gets out of class without permission and relaxes/sleeps on a couch in the academy. Once, when I was getting water (it was the day that Hog had ran out of money), Hog was sitting on the couch looking like a man who had 10 month's worth of taxes to pay! He seemed to be thinking, 'How can I get some money... I'M HUNGRY! I WANT MY SNACKS, ASAP!'
I might sound like I'm bulling him, but if you ever meet him, that thought will be blasted out of your head. Besides, he told me that I could write about him ( looking smug like he was Ceaser or something ).
So yeah, Haha in your face Hog, although you can't read this. This was for everyone that ever got bothered by you! 😜

( Up, this is a picture of Hog if he ever decides to be a D.J )
(And this is a more realistic picture {Thanks to Dolphin} that I found)

By the way, be sure to check out the comments
Some are great, thanks to Stella, Dolphin, Juan, Emma, and Me.
dude Hog isn't that picture; the picture's too cute to be Hog.
Hog is a
Hog sounds like a bully/lazy guy/ meanie
That hog looks like a GREAT DJ.