I still remember that moment. This was the THIRD time. It already happened twice before… one at the elbow, one in the MARRIAGE RING finger( left hand 4th finger). A couple months ago(in November), I was ice skating with my little sister and cousin ( my aunt and the three of us go there to take classes once a week). We usually take only one hour of class but since we missed class last week, we had to do 2 hours that day.. After the first hour was over, ( and it was quite fun) we came out of the rink and we ate some brownies because my aunt thought that we were going to be hungry for 2 hours. I put my helmet back on and I wanted to be the very 1st one to skate out of all 3 of us so I hurried. I asked my teacher if I could go in by myself and she said yes. The ice rink has a door and as soon as I closed it, I fell backwards. But while I was falling, with my left wrist, I tried to grab the floor. I came out crying and ran to my aunt. My wrist swelled up and it hurt so much. My ice-skating teacher came with some kind of ointment or something and then put it on my wrist. She said it will feel better but all it did was make it even WORSE. So without even doing our leftover 1 hour of class, and zipping up my jacket, we just headed home. Mom came home from work and was so worried. She ordered chicken with noodles for dinner but it didn’t taste so good. The next day grandma came and took me to the hospital. The doctor said 2 parts of my wrist bone was CRACKED. I couldn’t believe it. The doctor also said that it will take at least a month or 2 for it to recover. So it meant that i couldn’t do violin or ice skating for another month or so. I was speechless. I would have to stop doing the things I love and rest for an average of 1 month. So that day I was the gloomiest I could ever be.

I feel for you Emma!!
I wish it could have been "So it meant that I couldn’t do homework or math for another month or so."