( How is someone including me not allowed to use personal pronouns? It doesn't make sense because in EVERY literally EVERY sentence there is at least ONE personal pronoun.). So today (I) Julia Shin of Peai is going to write about how it is TOO hard to write a blog without using personal pronouns. Well first of all the number one reason is that personal pronouns explain an individual, someone else, and people. So it is hard to take it out of a sentence that is explaining (my) Julia’s (?) daily life. You see what I just did? It is really hard. I don’t really know if I got the homework wrong but I belive the idea of writing a 200 letter essay without using personal pronouns is unfair because most students in elemantry school have a hard time writing a 200 letter paragraph without using personal pronouns. It is because evenin homework sheets there are many personal pronouns. So students like me are used to using personal pronouns in their daily life. By reading what I wrote over and over any student can tell that if you are Patrick teacher you are probably murmuring “Dang Julia told her not to write personal pronouns but wrote a bl

og explaining about how to use them….used personal pronouns like….5 times now…..*Sigh* life” but I think that explaining how not using personal pronouns are difficult and not fair and how it is hard to write about is difficult is a very reasonable topic…..oh what am I talking about? Wix is driving me mad now...it is 10 32 at night and my mom is making me finish my Peai homework…*sigh*…..life...oh I went over 200 words!....um yeah….JULIA OUT!