So today I am going to explain about my routine when it was my B-day. When I woke up, I woke up somewhere around eight o'clock. And then I had some cake because my dad had to go to work and we had to eat cake before he went to work. The cake was a very cute cake. It was shaped like a dog’s head and was a crepe cake so it was kinda hard for me to eat it when my dog is staring at me below the table. I loved the cake though because it was really yummy and had chocolate in it but to be fair who would not like cake? I mean it’s CAKE. Then, I had to do some math homework because I go to this math academy called thinking bull and all the students there are preparing for a big test that is supposed to take place soon. I mean we have to study everything that we learned until now and we have to print out the books that we learned until now and I have to say it is HELL. Then I had lunch and I think it was spaghetti, we have a person that cooks for us and she always does spaghetti because my little sister always whines for it. After lunch, I went to a math academy called….um……well( I don’t know but it is boring) for 3 hours then I did a bit more of math homework then another bit of homework for social studies then I had dinner and it was just rice and meat and some salad because my little sister is on a diet. Lastly I went to another math academy for 3 hours and then did MORE math homework then I watched Netflix then I slept. To think about it, that day was not my best day because well I think you guys can see, however it was still a day that was left in my head. Hope you guys have a good day bye~

Korean kids: "wait, you want me to go to a math academy to get ready for a math academy?"
Korean parents: