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Writer's picturebekind531


Once upon a time, no actually, right now, there was a girl who didn't know what to write for her story that was for her homework. Yes, you guessed it! It's me. I have no idea what I am going to write about or even what I am writing. Now, I'm making you confused, right? Well, I'm also confused because I'm writing something that I don't know about and you can't tell me what this is about either. I sound like some of those annoying riddles, right? "I know you are but what am I?", "What runs around the whole yard without moving?", and more. And now, I don't know what to write because, oh well because of some reason in the universe. There you go. Even though I have nothing to write, I can't stop here because up to here (This dot). is 143 words so that means that I need to write 57 more words. So now, I'm going to explain my life.

There you go again. That sort of explains everything. Now, I'm going to check (Again) how many words I wrote up to this dot. Oh geez! It's only 189 words. I guess I have to write more then.

So, this is what I think about math, math acadamies, and math textbooks.

Yes!! THAT is 217 words!! I made it so seeya.

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