I waked up, alarm beeping. 7:30 A.M.
"Ugh, I hate school.."
I walk up to the door, muttering about how school should be doomed. I heard mom's voice from the 1st floor.
"Honey! Breakfast Time!" She shouted.
"OK mom, I'm going!" I shouted back.
My name is Zane. 5th grader, living at New York, Manhattan. I go to this super weird school. There is only jerks there. How can there be a school full of jerks? I dunno. But anyways. I also have some-
"Zane! You're going to be late!"
"'Kay, Mom!" I guess I'll tell you later.
After I ate pancakes, brushed my teeth, and changed, I got ready for school. So, what I was trying to say, was that I have a secret. When I was young, I was struck by lightning. Extremely bad luck, mom said. I barley survived somehow, and I got a power my mom did not know. I got much stronger, faster, stuff like that. It's kinda like Flash from the DC. But I don't have a fancy red suit. And I am different. Well, I cannot control my powers. Sometimes I just zap a person that was going by. I suddenly dash in the speed of light, leaving a trail of lightning behind me. So, I'm secretly practicing to control my skills. I don't want to go to school in the speed of light, when people are near.
Also, to talk about my family, my dad has died when I was 5. He was struck by lightning, too. Again, extremely bad luck. Ugh. There's this thing about lightning with our ancestor. He was a person who studied lighting. He wondered if lighting could be spawned. After some time, he found out about metal doing something with lightning. He raised a metal rod on the top of some mountain, and FLASH! He was gone. People don't know what happened, but they say there was a note. It was known to say that 'Beware the Curse of Lightning.' And yeah. For generations, our family line had bad incidents with lightning and electricity.
