I mean why are there a thing called academies anyways...?? I mean I don't mind the academies but what gets me are the academies FOR ACADEMIES. I mean all around Seoul there are academies where you study to stay in another academy and don't get disqualified or something I guess but I don't get this how are there academies for academies. It seems stupid to me. We go to academies to study about a certain topic like Math or English. But then we go to other academies to study for the other academy, I mean, am I the only one that thinks this is weird?
For example there is an academy for math I am going to I will call it bull. Last month we had a big quiz in bull that tests if you are ready to go to the other level of bull. If you don't get a good score you are disqualified from bull. So I was just studying by looking at my notes and answering some questions but the next thing I know, my mom had me going to 3 new academies to get ready for the bull test. I mean the bull test is not that important, the whole reason we go to academies is to study for your future, not to stay in the academy, this is not a SURVIVAL GAME. Anyways do you guys like academies? I hate them (no offense Mr.P). I wish a space unicorn would come and slam it's horn on all of the academies in this world and demolish academies.

Honestly, it kinda does sound like a survival game
Only instead of dying after u lose, u get scolded (which I guess is pretty close with dying)
"this is not a SURVIVAL GAME"
oh yeah, like you go to an academy to go to an academy and once ur in u go to another academy to help you with the other academy.
Wait, was that too confusing???