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Even before the zombie apocalypse, I was already feeling like a zombie. First, I woke up at three to do my homework. My school gave us tons of homework, and it wasn`t easy. So, my mom made me get up at two fifty to start my homework. Just when I was finished and was going back to sleep, it was time for school. So, I trudged out of my house and into my school. “Ugh… why does school even have so much homework anyway?” I groaned to my friends, Jack Jackson, and Caleb Anderson. Jack was nicknamed JackJack because of his surname. “Um… they gave us a month to do it.” Caleb said. In my defense, school gave other homework during that month too. But that didn`t matter to Caleb. Fractions, numbers, equations,… he ate that stuff up. Jack sighed. “My parents made me do it in the first week.” He made a face. With his short brown hair and green eyes, he was very good at making an exasperated teenager face. Then the bell rang, indicating first class. Caleb had black hair with brown eyes. He was very good at blending in, as he did sometimes when the teacher yelled at us for accidently breaking a window or pouring all the soap in the bathrooms. Anyway, since first class, my life was an absolute nightmare. We took a math exam, but it was so noisy outside that we couldn`t concentrate. After I took the math exam that I most likely flunked, it was time for science. So, we got our science books and went to the lab. We did some boring stuff like look at germs and writing about them. Then I accidently knocked the microscope off the table and broke it to pieces. “Oops.” I said. The guy next to me glared at me and said, “Oops? That`s the best thing you could come up with?” Then I lost it. I had a horrible day, and now this stranger was talking to me like I was what was wrong. “Then what should I say, if your so amazing? Should I make a speech about how I dropped the microscope? And what, do you never mistake?” Stranger guy`s face turned red. “I never dropped a hundred-dollar science equipment and broke it before! You have to pay for that!” I could feel my body begin to twitch. “Well, Mr. Perfect?” I growled. “Do you ever get this?” I lunged. I know, I know. It was stupid. It probably was the worst thing I could have done. But can you blame me? Well, maybe yes, you can. But whatever. Anyway, I couldn`t even win. He grabbed me by my collar and threw me to the ground. I got up and grabbed his arm and twisted it the best I could. He howled in pain and anger and kicked me in the chest. Then the teacher came in. “What happened? Explain yourselves.” Naturally, Mr. Perfect blamed everything on me, and the microscope, and the entire class agreed. As I got suspended and detention and got yelled at, I wished the entire world to end.

Careful or what you wish for!

After science class, the third class was history. But it was so noisy that I couldn`t hear anything. I could hear preschoolers yelling and arguing. I could hear teenagers laughing. Then everything went silent. Then the screaming began. I could hear groans, screams, and feet running. The teacher opened the door to tell them to be quiet, which probably killed my entire class. A weathered, corpse-like hand grab my teacher and pull her into the hallway. The next second, a humanoid thing came in. It groaned then looked up. It`s eyes glowed red. It was looking at me. It waved it`s outstretched arm. “Um… hi?” I said. The zombie lunged toward me with unbelievable speed. I thought, ‘well, that`s it.’ And braced my self to become a zombie. Then the zombie froze. It was incased it an orange box. As I watched, the zombie slowly burned away into dust. Two figures leaped from behind me and started to barricade the door. A girl about my age whispered something to a boy about two years older than her. He nodded. As more zombies piled in, he began to stop them from killing- or zombifying- us. He fought with bare hands, leaping from zombie from zombie with inhuman speed and power. He was like that guy Flash on Ne*flix. He disappeared and reappeared at the most threatening zombie and knocked it out in two seconds. Meanwhile, the girl was trying to close the door. Orange hands mimicked hers and slowly began to barricade us. Finally, the door closed, and the wall dividing the zombies from us glowed bright yellow. “Who…” I asked. The boy was brown haired and green eyed. The girl black haired with brown eyes. “Hi cuz.” Jack and Caleb said in unison. The boy spoke. “I am Julian Jackson, and she is Macy Anderson. I believe you already know our cousins.”

I think that my friends had even more questions than I did. “Since when were you two zombie fighters?” Caleb asked. “And how come you can fight that well?” Jack asked. “ So, um…. How do I explain this? You ever watch Jurassic world?” Julian asked. We nodded. “It`s like that. There was this scientist that supposedly was trying to develop a vaccine. Instead, he made zombies. But as soon as they were made, he locked up the zombies in some sort of cell. Only now, they managed to escape. The zombies you encountered in the school were called celer mortuus est. Unlike most zombies, only their bites carry the infection. However, they are faster and stronger than any other zombie. And like all zombies, their eyes glow red when they have spotted a prey. However, some survive zombie bites. That is very rare, but if they do, they become immune to the bite of that zombie, along with powerful mutations. I got combat magic and energy control. She got magic and some amazing craftmanship.” “Combat magic… like what you did in the school?” I asked. “No. That was five years of gymnastic training.” Julian answered. “And craftmanship? What do you make?” Jack asked. Then we heard groans. We turned to see a mob of about a thousand zombies slowly advancing on us. Macy cursed. “Infictit corpus! Both the bite and the scratch are deadly!” Julian shrugged. “These ones we are not immune to. At least you can show them your favorite magic weopon before we become zombies!” Macy rolled her eyes. “Hooray” she sighed with very little enthusiasm. She took out a fan. It was a fold able, bamboo, white silk fan.

One flap. That was all it took. A gust of wind the power of a tornado crashed into the zombie army. Trees, zombies, half eaten pretzels… they all went flying. Then an enormous hand rose from the ground and smashed the zombies like marshmallows. Then Macy collapsed. “A magic hand. She outdid herself.” Julian muttered. He pointed at a museum. “We need to get in there.”

Guess what we found. Zombies. “WHY DID WE HAVE TO GO IN THIS PARTICULAR PLACE??” I screamed at Julian. “In this place, life magic is strong. I will help me.” The zombies began closing in at us. I pointed at some random statue. “How can that help?” “That doesn’t.” Julian agreed. “But the fossils do.” He touched the air in front of us. The air rippled gold like we touched liquid. It solidified between the zombies and us. However, we didn`t think about behind us. Another few dozens of zombies came at us, some running, some limping. Julian flicked his hands. Two sharp razors appeared in his hands. The swords were black, but the tip glinted silver. He sliced at zombies who attacked us. He cut through several zombies at once, but on managed to sneak up behind him. I cried a warning and threw a prehistoric chunk of rock at it. It hit the zombie on the head. It turned, and it`s eyes glowed red. I lunged toward me, and I tried to dodge. But one of the zombie`s claws scraped at me on the leg, and barely, just barely found skin.

My entire leg exploded in pain. I could feel the virus seeping into the wound, winding itself into my brain. I collapsed. My head was swimming. I tried to fight it, trying to use my will, but my will was gone. All that was left was a desire for human flesh and dried milk. I don`t know where the milk came from, but it was unsettling. I tried to stand up, but my leg still throbbed. I tried again. I stood up. I could see through my foggy vision that my entire body was surrounded in angry red lines. My memory was failing. I was becoming a zombie.

Then, two seconds later, I was perfectly fine. I stood up looked around and saw Caleb. I walked over to him and said “I`m fine.” Caleb backed away. “You are not fine. You are still surrounded in red! Oh, and your eyes are glowing red, too.” But I felt fine. I had no desire for brains. I only had a desire for a toilet, to throw up in. I looked at my arms. “Dude I am not a zombie. If I was, then I will probably be groaning and trying to devour your flesh.” I looked at Julian. “Tell him. Tell my friends that I am not a zombie.”

Julian studied me. “You do look like a zombie, but you don`t look like a corpse. You look like a human being, just with glowing eyes. And you are talking and not killing us. So, um.. you are not a zombie.” But I felt different to. I felt no fear toward zombies. I walked to the zombie mob. “Hi!” I said. The zombies responded. “Brains!!! Brains!!!! FLESH!!! TASTE FLESH SOOOON!!!!” “Um… no. No flesh, but how about sausages?” I rummaged through my pockets and pulled out two mozzarella sticks. “GOOD!!!! ANIMAL FLESH!!!!” “Then fetch!!!” I tossed the two sticks as far as I could. Then I walked back to my friends. They were staring at me with open mouths. “You were groaning, clicking, and speaking zombie.” Julian said. “That is not possible for a human. It is also impossible for those who survived the bite, either. You must be some sort of human zombie. If you accidently scratch us…” “Nah. But I`m not gonna be a vegetarian, either. How about some sausages? Zombies won`t bother us as long as I`m here.”


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