Hello friends
last post 😥
I’ll give thanks to each one of you
Roy the boy from troy not a toy
Well, one of my best friends, Funny, active(too) and had so many nicknames that fills the universe (J.B, S, B, D.K ….) Likes baseball 😎 Likes doosan 😣And he was a good friend! I am happy hes with me in 6th grade. I thank him a lot for teaching me survival tactics against joyce
Incredible Ryan
He was my friend from 1st grade and, I also thank him a lot for being my best friend in 1st 2nd 5th grade. I remember he was once a doosan fan 🤣
Jake dolphin
Jake and I weren’t ‘close’ but, well, I think he’s smart(he always finds out the mafia which is me) and hes good at many things(drawing and debate etc) Strange he escapes death threats well
Henry dumpling
Its so kewl how he remains calm all the time 😲He was kind to everyone! gasp
emma dog…
THe one and only girl that did no death threats to me. guess thats good..i guess?
jen queen
She was always active and gave good ideas and speeches 😉 She wa a good teammate
Stella the umm smarty horse
Kewl thing: I don’t remember stella’s face nor name in 3th grade but I felt like I knew her from the start of pw2…kewl. Anyway she was a team with me in the first project I did in the class(slam) And I think stella did best in DC except that she rested in 3rd match( vs athenas or sth) more than stella no offense@joyce its just my opinion.
She was sometimes not scary but usually scary… And she gave good speeches and ideas!
though she was scary, since it is my last post I will not mention that. She gave great whip speeches and debate even PM, and I thank you for earning me a gold medal
THank you for spending 35/1000 years with me !
LOL...I got a compiment from Sihoo but I'm still tearing..^^
Ryan was a DOOSAN FAN???
also, " I thank him a lot for teaching me survival tactics against joyce" 🙄
and i agree, stella was the best