I mean, I know people say that saying school is a waste of time is bad, but seriously, think reality people. Right now, we learn nothing. At least I learned nothing useful. First, math. Math is actually so easy. I mean, they could have asked some hard questions with the basic info, but they just ask information in the books. Doesn’t make us use our brains to think of new ways of solving it. All you have to do is memorize the book. But then I had Peai homework and I didn’t prepare for the school math test. Then I got a hundred. My friend studied all night, and he got a 70. I don’t know what to think. English is the same.
I’m pretty sure all of you know what happens in English class. “What did you do on summer vacation?”, “What is your name?”, and stuff. Now, there’s an update. “Halloween day!”, “What does carving a pumpkin mean?”. And we play a “game”. I tried participating, but then the teacher wouldn’t call on my group(fun fact: we get points if we answer things. My profile is a blue monster with like a gazillion eyes). As for social studies, it was kinda confusing in the ill-hak-gi. But now, the second part of the year, we learn history so I’m not bothered. But the real question is, HOW DO YOU GO THROUGH THE 3 KINGDOMS THROUGH CHOSUN IN A WEEK. WHEN WE GO TO SCHOOL 3 TIMES A WEEK.
Anyways, for literature and science, my mom makes me listen to 4 hours of EBS so that’s fixed. But the most frustrating thing of all, I have to write a learning notebook(translate into English). I have to write every single subject of a subject we learned in an E-learning center. I tried to listen, but mostly it just plays loud music and I can’t hear a word they are saying. I have to listen to 10000000 hours of it and write it down before the day I go to school. Most of the time, our teacher doesn’t check it when she says to bring it. And when I don’t bring it, she checks it. What kind of logic is that?
This is all, except for one thing. Baseball.
We destroyed SSG yesterday, but we lost today. 3-4. Ok, one of the reasons is that Jaehwan Kim, our 4rth hitter, lost his touch. And then, in our last attack, the stupid judge declared two balls strikes when they weren’t even near the strike zone. That’s why Park Gunwoo got the pressure, and swung. Also LA Dodgers fell to Atlanta so I’m pretty mad about that too. Houston and Atlanta are going to the World Series. I hate Houston because they cheated in 2017 so Dodgers couldn’t win. I hold grudges. I hate Atlanta because they beat us. But then I realized today that Atlanta’s pitcher got hit by a hitter’s ball in the leg, and fractured a bone. But he kept on throwing. Respect.
Okay this was a long post but I have to end with
A prediction
A suggestion
An Opinion
My opinion is that life is hard and unfair but it has some happy points. Boom. Bye.

In my school we play T-ball with a bat and everything. And once I just swung it, and it fell out of my hand and almost hit a boy in the head LOL
first, 8:5 ain't DESTROY
second, they were close to the strike zone, they were IN.
THird, its not where the catcher catches, its where the ball passes.
Fpurth, refrees are different
fifth, anyway, we won
Absolutely Nobody:
Roy: o my god i wus doing sat hw this whole time... major time crunch
Also Roy: