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Aqua and Chaos (UNFINISHED, Not for Homework)


Updated: Feb 6, 2021

Chapter 1

I could hear screaming. People shouting for help. I did not recognize who they were. I heard a voice speak in my head.

"Ah, this is your destiny. You are to be in this disaster. You will not survive."

He sounded like a man, hearing his voice. But, the thing is, his voice sounded horrible. Like bear or tiger claws scratching at a wall of a deep cave. I did not like where this was going. And then suddenly, I fell into the depths of the ocean. I held my breath. And when I came to the limit, I couldn't hold anymore, I woke up.

I was sweating extremely. I was on my bed, for thank god. 'Another nightmare,' I thought.

I looked at my left. My little sister, May, was sleeping peacefully. "A seven-year old that knows nothing." I whispered to myself. I got out of my bed and dressed into my casual clothes, got my watch, and went out for a walk. The misty breeze of dawn met me, as I walked across the street of Central park. Almost nobody was there, but I knew there was a companion. I called Matthew, one of my best friends.

"Hey, Matthew, are you out for a walk?"

Matthew replied, "Of course Jake! Why not?"

"Then meet you at central!"


Chapter 2

So, I didn't have time to tell, my name is Jake. Jake Marine, for full name. I have my mom, dad, and sister May as family, and has Autumn, Sally, and Matthew as my best friends. I live in an apartment by Central Park. Now, I can see my buddy Matthew coming. We took a jog around the park, talking

about school homework, what level are we in a game, and just stuff boys talk about with their buddies.

When we came back to where we started, an hour passed. People were walking around to go to work. I looked at my clock, and said,

"Matthew! I think we'll need to go home if we were to get ready for school."

He replied,

"Well, Okay. See you at school!"

And we both ran off to our homes. Mom was up and readying breakfast. Dad was on the couch, reading today's newspaper. It seemed like May was still sleeping. I went to my parents, said hello, and went to take a shower. After I did, I went up the stairs to my room, put my clothes back on, and packed my bag. When Mom called,

"Jake! wake May and bring her to eat breakfast!

I woke May up and went down to eat a newly cooked egg fry and toast, with Strawberry Jam. I ate it silently in 5 minutes, brushed my teeth, took my bag and went to school. And as always, My three best friends, Autumn, Matthew, and Sally were waiting on the first floor.

"Jake! You're late again!" Sally shouted.

"Yeah, that's why you call me Slake." I said with a drowsy voice.

All of us cracked up.

And then we talked again while going to school about stories of when I was late, and how Sally was always early. Mathew and Autumn showed up just at the right time. And 10 minutes later, I was in front of Central Park Middle School.

"Dude, this place always looks old when it's all shiny inside." Matthew said.

We all agreed. After that, we walked into our class. Mrs. Helen was waiting for us.

"Mr. Jake, Mr. Matthew, Mr. Autumn and... Oh my, Sally, you too, you were exactly 1 minute and 23.65 seconds late!"

"Oh I'm sorr~~y.. Mrs. Helen." We all said in the same, lousy voice.

We sat in our seats, and listened to class. Hours passed.

"... And have a big event for all of you." That got my attention.

"We are going to the Atlantic Ocean for this trip!" Mrs. Helen said.

Everybody cheered.

"Now, calm down. we are going to need..."

I did not need to listen to this, because it was all lame stuff that I already know. And I was a little worried, because my nightmare took place in an ocean. But I put those thoughts aside. I was so getting ready for this trip.

Chapter 3

After class ended, I heard my friends calling me. I dashed towards them. And of course, we started to talk about the trip. Matthew said he's going to bring this amazing water gun that is super big, and it can shoot like 4 strong shots of water at the same time. He also said he's bringing his snorkeling goggles and his duck feet. I had to admit, I was a little jealous.

Autumn said he's bringing a beach ball and said it was a machine that has water jets, so he could blast it off. He also could control it. That's high tech.

Sally said she's bringing her water sword, it's one of those things which sucks in water and blasts it out into the shape of a blade. That was cool.

But the coolest thing was what I was going to bring. A surfboard. It had small water jets on the rear side, a handle to change sides, a button and lever turning it off or on, and changing the power of the water jet. It also had one hole for a handgun water gun, and a strap plus a lock for the big water gun around the pole that is supporting the handle. I couldn't wait to test it out. And then the conversation went until we talked about what dreams we had these days. And that naturally led to my nightmare.

It seemed like years ago when it was only a few hours. But I told them the story. And in the middle of explaining the sea, Autumn, who was good at geology, stopped me.

"Hey Jake,"

"Why Autumn?"

"Uh.. Based on what you are saying, it seems like..."

"What?" I said, getting worried about the thought I pushed aside.

"It seems like the place in your nightmare is the Atlantic Ocean. Where we will go."

Chapter 4

"What?!?!" I shrieked.

The worst of the worst happened. My nightmare place-that terrible place where my fate is-was the Atlantic Ocean. 'Why?' I thought. 'Why me?' I started to get wobbly. And then everything went fuzzy.

I saw glimpses of Matthew calling someone; probably he was calling 911 and my parents. I felt myself being lifted. Another glimpse of May, Mom, and Dad went across my eyes. I heard a faint siren. I heard someone talking to me, though I did not know what he or she said. and then everything went black.

I only heard a beeping sound when I woke up. Beep-beep, Beep-beep, Beep-beep, Beep-beep.... It was one of those machines that check your heartbeat. That thing really did exist. And I got a glance of my mother putting her face into her palms. Dad was putting his arms around her, even though he showed tears, too. It seemed like Sally, Matthew, and Autumn were sitting on the other side, too.At least I thought so. My eyes fluttered open. I turned my head to make sure I was alive. Mom and Dad looked at me, both relieved and surprised. Sadly, my buddies were outside.

"Where is this pla- Mff!" I groaned, or half did, because Mom and Dad gave me a Bear hug. "Are you okay?" Mom said, pulling away.

"Yeah.. Enough strength to put myself up and walk. Actually I could run!" I said.

"Oh, oh my god. God thank you!" Mom whispered.

"You really okay?" Dad asked.

"Yep! Actually I feel great!" I shouted in a happy tone.

"How long was I out?" I asked.

"For a good 4 days."

Chapter 5

"Wow.. So I was out. For 4 days. Cool. Now maybe let's go home." I said.

After doing all the stuff I need to do to get out, Sally, Me, and Matthew rode in the car. Mom and Dad turned it on, and started driving home.

"But... I didn't miss the field trip, right?" I said, forgetting all about my nightmare.

"No. One day left." said Matthew.

"Jake, I thought you were gone!" said Autumn.

"Yeah, We did really think you were gone." Sally agreed.

"Oh well... At least I'm alive." I said, as everyone cracked up.

It felt great to be hanging out with friends and family.

After a few minutes, we came home. My friends were dropped off by their houses. We started discussing my field trip.

We started arguing. Dad said it was okay, with me, saying I was feeling better than before, but mom disagreed, because she was too worried. But, finally me and dad won.

Chapter 6

The day has come. Everything was ready. I did my jogging, to show I was okay, and I got in the bus with my buddies. As soon as I walked in, questions started exploding from the class.

"Are you okay?!"

"Is it real that you fainted?!"

"How was it?!"

Mrs. Helen said, "SILENCE! Let Mr. Jake and his friends take a seat."

And it went quiet for a few minutes. But hours later, still in the bus, the bus was loud with talk. At least it wasn't about me.

Another 30 minutes passed, and finally Mrs. Helen said, "Welcome everyone! To the Atlantic Ocean!"

Chapter 7

Everybody shouted, cheered, and somebody made sounds of relief. After going to the bathroom, taking snacks and resting, Mrs. Helen shouted, "Now Ladies and Gents! Attention please! We are going to ride a boat to our final destination. There were some 'Aww...' s but nobody disagreed. I rode on the boat with my friends. A good 20 minutes past, when the boat suddenly tilted. 'I don't have a good feeling..' I thought. Then, suddenly loud alarms blared. "THE BOAT HAS HIT A BOULDER! THE BOAT HAS HIT A BOULDER! THERE IS A CRACK IN THE HULL. LIFEBOATS ARE DEPLOYED. COME TO THE DECK! " Everybody panicked, but Mrs. Helen came and made a decent line. We went to the deck at a fast pace. The water was already churning up to our rooms, but we were on deck. But, there was no Sally.

"Sally?" I shouted.

"Why bro! Come on up! We are late!" Matthew and Autumn shouted back.

"There isn't Sally!"


Then, I saw her. With a desperate look on her face. mouthing help, clinging onto a table. And water churning right up to her neck.

Chapter 8

"Sally! Wait just a few secs!" I shouted.

She nodded.

I took Matthew and Autumn and went to where Sally was.

"Dude, do you know where-.. Oh my, Sally! What are you doing there?!" Matthew shouted out to her.

" No time for explanations. Okay. Here's the plan. I go and catch her. You guys catch me when I do."

And I dived in. I got hold of Sally's hand. But, the water was fast. It was hard for me to get out.

"Autumn!! Matthew!!" I barely shouted.

They reached out for me, but could not. But, a nightmare became real.

They fell. Towards me.

Chapter 9

I don't remember what happened next. I only felt dread. I saw my friends fall. Now we are all doomed. But when I opened my eyes, I felt dry, I was on something fluffy, and the things around me were sea-blue. 'Is.. is this heaven?' I thought. I couldn't move. I was so tired. 'Now what?..' I thought.

And then a person-at least I thought at first- a man with glowing emerald eyes. He had tanned skin, and a beard.

"Are you awake?" His voice sounded like the sea calling.

"Wow... you really have a good voice." I said.

"Ha, ha.. People who meet me for the first time always say that. I am Cento, the Doctor of Atlantis." "Wait, what? Atlantis?" I said, thinking if he's going crazy.

"Oh yes, you are a special one; from the land." Cento said.

"So this place is an underwater Nation?"

"Yes. It surely is."

"Wait- Oh! Where are my friends? Are they Okay?" I said, trying to get up. A sharp pain in my back kept me down.

"Yes, they are. They are in another room, but still unconscious. And you broke your spine a little; it will hurt for at least a day."

"Okay." I said, even though I was worried so much about my friends.

Suddenly, a man- tanned, but had sapphire-glowing eyes and no beard, came in and said,

"Sally is conscious!"

Chapter 10

After I got hit by the first news, second and third news hit me by saying Autumn and Matthew were conscious. I told them this was Atlantis. They did not believe that, but as they saw Cento, they believed it. A few days of staying in the hospital made me a lot better. One thing- I got a tour around this place with my friends by Cento.

"This is the Dining room, the Royal room, the Kitchen Room, the Dolphins' place.."

"Wait, a Dolphin room? Dolphins are there?" I asked.

"Yes, indeed. Ah, go meet one now. We humans of Atlantis bond with dolphins. We ride them, and we care for them." Cento replied.

"Whoa, that's cool!" Said all of us three, at the same time. We looked at each other and giggled.

Then, I saw a cute snout pop out of the curtains. After, the dolphin showed herself. Hello, I am the one called Aqua."

Chapter 11

Okay, I have to admit, I saw a dolphin for the first time. But as soon as I saw it, I loved it.

" Hello Aqua!" I said. My other friends were too shocked. I suddenly knew that this dolphin was talking.

"This is the dolphin that saved you, Jake. Be thankful to her." Said Cento.

" Oh-oh thanks, Aqua! I'll never forget you. I owe you one."

"Ah, yes you do." Said Aqua, in a playful voice.

"Well Aqua, how do humans-"


"Oh that doesn't sound good.." I said. My friends just nodded, not knowing what just happened.

"Aqua, can I ride you?"

"Yes, you may. A war has happened. Cento will tell you later." Said Aqua.

"And Aqua, please bring my friends one of your companions please."

"I already have."

I turned back and saw my friends riding a dolphin.

Where do we go? What even is this place? Thoughts that were covered by the dolphin came back into my mind. What about my family? My teacher? Sudden sorrow came over me.

I started to cry. Quietly. Aqua knew, though.

“Do not worry, time here is much faster than the land. Your classmates will still be on the act of getting on lifeboats.” She said, reading my thoughts.

“We are at our destination. stay here! I need to go help the injured. Amos! Please get me to the site.” Cento went off.

Chapter 12

Aqua, me, my friends and three unknown, thankful dolphins were in a large room.

It had 2 layers of 4-feet metal walls, and some kind of Atlantic glass and coating was over it. Elegant Bronze interior made the place look wonderful.

“This is the Lander room. It is used by Landers like you to stay.” Aqua explained.

“Then who is Chaos?”

Aqua told me a story 100 years ago. Calamity Chaos was one of the most evil and powerful people in Sea history, until humans and Aquaman came and made the nation of Atlantis. She also told me that Aquaman was their leader, and is their leader now. Anyways, Chaos was mad about the Atlatians taking his sea and making it into theirs. So, Chaos made something called ‘Hatred’ and started making a whole monster army. They say they are trying hard to protect their homeland. And the army that was fighting now was only a portion of his army. Also, The ‘Alarm Level’ was a set level made by Atlantians about how dangerous the intruder was. There was level 0~5. Level 0 was no harm, and actually positive. Level 1 was hostile but weak. Level 2 was much stronger and had more mass than Level 1. Level 3 was the army or enemy that the Atlantians will have a hard time fighting. Level 4 was that it was sure for Atlantians to lose. And Level 5 was THE END OF HISTORY.

Chapter 13

“Okay, that was some serious stuff.” I said.

“Yeah. That really was.” Matthew agreed.

“Yep.” Sally said.

“Uh- so this place is like Atlantis? In the legends?” Autumn said.

It seemed like Matthew and Sally were okay by now. But Autumn wasn't getting the idea of this whole place.

“Aqua, how do people bond with Dolphins?” I asked.

“There is an oath, and people say it to dolphins, as we say it back. I am not bonded yet.” Aqua replied.

“Oh, so how is it?”

“It’s like this: Aqua the Dolphin, I bond to you. We go together over problems, conflicts, wars. I protect you to the death as you do too.” Aqua recited the oath.

“Okay, I’ll know that. Then-”

“Everybody! we have defeated the army!”

We cheered. The war was out, and after half an hour, Cento came to us. He took us to the ceremony, where Aquaman and his bond, Wave was. Many other citizens were gathering. Some people looked like guards. It must’ve been the people who fought the war. And when it seemed like everybody came, I started to know that this place was really big. And then Aquaman started his speech. “ I Aquaman, honor today’s guards who fought the Chaos army…”

I didn’t listen. I didn’t need to. So I thought about my family. How they would be worried. Then I remembered the time thingy, but still could not believe it. And when I was starting to think about May, I heard Aquaman's shout:


People cheered and clapped. The party was amazing. People danced, some hip-hop, some balle, some classic dancing, there was food too. Lots of fish-related things. Music came out of the gigantic seashells and cones. And after the party ended, Cento came back to us. He said, “You 4 need the Choosing ceremony. Follow me.”

Chapter 14

“What kind of training?” I asked.

“Of course, sword training.” Cento said.

“What?! Sword training?” All of my friends shouted

“Yes, indeed.” Cento replied.

“I mean, we’re middle school students and we do sword training?”Sally asked.

“In Atlantis, when kids are aged 10, they begin sword training.” Cento answered.

“Whoa.” Matthew said.

“That’s.. cool.” I said, with doubt in my voice.

“Then, let’s go to the Arena.”

Cento led us to a pace we never saw in his tour before. It was towards the Royal room and the Council room, but a right turn from there. The Arena was a very big place. Swords, Bows, Tridents, Daggers, and dummies were displayed. I saw one trident and immediately wanted to get it. Just then, Aqua, who followed us, said

“Each person has a sword, bow, trident, or dagger they are attracted to. But nobody wanted this one.” Aqua pointed at the trident I was attracted to. “This is a legendary trident, made of pure gold hilt, velvet handle, Aquamarine gems on both sides, and three blades made of Mystic Bronze and Titanium. There are three legendary Tridents. One is Aquaman’s, one is Chaos’, and one is that.”

“Well, I want this bow.” said Sally, picking up a very elegant but sturdy-looking bow.

“I want this sword. Said Matthew, swinging a sword that looked like it was made of very hard and solid Aquamarine, and steel for the handle.

“I want this one. This dagger.” Autumn, who had no words for like an hour, finally speaking.

He picked up a curved and wicked dagger, for a Bronze handle and Silver+Titanium blade.

And I said, “Whoa, that.. that is the Trident I really want.”

Chapter 15

Just as I said that, everybody stared at me. I was only looking at the Trident. I instinctively opened my palms, and the displayed trident flew right into my hands. I hit the ground a few times with the trident. It became the just right size. The sound was echoing across the room. Still, everybody stared at me silently. Just then, something ringed in my mind.

‘I am the legendary trident. Are you the chosen one?’

‘Whoa, you do telepathy? That’s cool. So yes, it seems like I am. Hi, I’m Jake, just call me Jake.’ I said in my mind.

By then, not just Aqua and my friends, but other Atlantians who came to the Arena were forming a crowd around me.

“Hey, this thing talks to me.” I said, surprised by the crowd that formed over me.

Everybody gasped, except for my friends, looking at me if I were going mad.

Aqua finally opened her mouth. “Then, we met the Chosen one. Let us get the Quest from Aquaman.”


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