“Baby Shark, doo doo doodoo baby shark do doo doodoo, baby shark doo doo doodoo…”
We all know this song. The video that reached up to 9.2 BILLION views on youtube. We heard it, sang it, in Peai. Alot. 2 times. Actually, not that alot. But anyways, today, I will talk about one of the most mind blowing things in this world… baby shark is(drum roll) adopted!
ok, so one of the main reasons I think so is because of how they look. But before I get into this theory, I will dismiss the fact that they are all different colors, like daddy shark is blue, mommy shark is pink, baby shark is yellow, and so on. In fact, there aren't many sharks with these colors. There are blue sharks, lemon sharks, and even bronze sharks, but I haven’t found any pink or green sharks. Now, let’s see what mommy, daddy, and baby shark looks like. They are all sharks, but here’s the fact. Look closely at their snouts, and tails. Baby shark has a smooth connection with his body, and his snout. His tail is shaped like a crescent moon, with a smooth connection with it’s top and bottom part. Now let's take a look at mommy, and daddy shark. Both of them have more defiant snouts, with ridges in the middle. For their tails, both of them have prominent breaks in the middle, making 2 defined sections, rather than just one. These differences aren’t just aesthetic, they matter. When we identify different sharks, we usually look at how the snout, and tails are shaped. And because of the fact that baby shark’s tail, and snout are different from mommy, and daddy shark’s tails and snouts, we can see that they are a whole, different species. DUN DUN DUN. The whole video is a big fat lie. At first, you might think that sharks change their appearances as they grow, and you would be right, if they were humans. But sharks? They are different. They have the same appearance, from birth to death, just a difference in size. But now, going deeper, the shark most likely to represent baby shark is the longfin mako shark, and the shark most likely to represent mommy and daddy shark is the bull shark(search in google to see the similarity). So there you have it. Baby shark is from a different family. But why then, would a long fin mako shark be with a bull shark family? Scientifically, this could happen, because longfin mako sharks, and bull sharks share the same territory. So… baby shark COULD have been adopted, say, because the bull sharks killed baby shark’s real parents. DUN DUN DUN. But then, the real problem is now. Longfin Mako sharks can grow up to 14 feet. Bull sharks can grow up to 7 feet. So… a few years later, baby shark would dwarf his “parents”. FYI, sharks are known to eat each other. So in the end, there are only 2 scenarios. 1, Mommy and Daddy shark eats baby shark before he gets too big(which happens), and 2, baby sharks grow to his full length, and eat everyone(prob 4 revenge idk). Anyways, good job pink fong for a video for kids, that produces blood, death, blood, and more blood…which attracts more sharks. Anyways, bye(btw i wrote this cuz my recent blog wasn’t interesting help. plus if there is blog hw next week, imma edit this one and publish it again xD)

imma add another pic cuz in the pic above, u can't see mommy shark's tail

That is a lot of analysis on baby shark. Some people might wish/wonder if the same amount of consideration could be put into, oh, I don't know, DEBATE???
I can actually imagine Roy writing this very seriously. lol
"Ba..by... Shark... is... Adopted..." memo...