3rd Person Mode
Roy rarely writes formal blogs. Most of the time, Roy always use FANBOYS, and Filler Words(um, uh, er, ah, like). Anyways, at this point, Roy have run out of blog ideas. Roy has written about donuts, bears, Stuff(it’s a blog idea when I talked about stuff in life), and even a donut song. Roy's creativity is gone right now, because Roy just did math. Therefore today, Roy will write about baseball.
Time: Every baseball game has nine innings. In each inning, the two teams take a turn in offense and defense. However, if the game is tied by the last half of the ninth inning, the game will continue in extra innings until one team manages to get a point.
Stadium: There are 4 plates(whitened rubber in the ground)in a baseball stadium. The home plate is shaped like a pentagon, the first, second, and third(look at the picture below) are shaped like squares. The length between the home, and first base is 90 feet, approximately 27 meters. The entire stadium is shaped like a sector form, the thing students probably learned at math academies.
Positions: The two teams both have starting pitchers, who can at the longest, throw until the 9th inning, which does not happen a lot. The pitchers have a mound to throw on, and the length between the catcher(who catches the pitcher's balls)is about 46 feet. Pitchers can throw different kinds of balls like 4 seam, 2 seam, slider, curveball, cutter, changeup, splitter, sinker, knuckleball, knuckle curve, and some more(though not all can throw them). Moving on, at the first, second, and third bases, there are the first baseman, second baseman, and the third baseman. In between the second and third bases, there is a shortstop, capable of having powerful shoulders and reflexes. The positions Roy just told you are the infielders. The outfielders are left fielders, center fielders,and right fielders, who are positioned as they say.
Outs: Each inning can end when the 3 out counts are made. One way is to catch the ball in a foul(when the player hits the ball but going outside the lines)area, or just a pop-fly, a ball that can be catched inside the foul lines. The other, is a strike out. When the ball gets inside the strike zone(above the knee, and split into 9), it is a strike, When the ball slides outside the strike zone, it is a ball. However, alot of hitters get tricked by a pitch around, like a slider or a curve, by swinging and missing, which counts as a strike. When the hitter stops in mid swing, and the bat is not swung half way, it is not a swing, though if it goes half way, it is counted as a swing. The pitcher has to score 3 strikes for an out. However, if the pitcher throws 4 balls, the hitter automatically goes to the first base.

Doosan:Lost to SSG 14:4
Doosan:LOst to SSG 7:1
Doosan: Lost to KT, 6-2 (I told u!!!)