Ok, so this is round 2 of the gods. I made some calculations and wrote some random numbers on a sheet of paper, and I finally chose the teams(though sorry Brian: You are alone in this battle cuz rand*m.org so kill the app instead of me thank you). First, Joyce(with Juan Da girl or Jackal) as Artemis with Sihoo as Athena. Next, Stella, as Poseidon and Jake as Delphin(though it really seems like there is only Stella on this team because Stella controls Jake but um yeah). Next, I will be with Henry, since a father fighting his son doesn’t seem right(as I am Odin, and Henry is Thor). The fourth team will be Jen with Mr. p, since Jen is a human, but Mr. P is the mighty Space Unicorn. The fifth team will be Ryan and Julia/Emma. Though Ryan would be turned into Ares because LG lost that day. Now, let the battle begin!... right after I pick the rounds through Rand*m.org!
Round 1(Odin/Thor VS Delphin/Poseidon)
Odin has a sharp spear that can never miss and pierces anything in the nine realms. Thor’s hammer is also made of Ur, the metal of the gods. It never misses and returns to Thor's hand. Poseidon has his trident, made of celestial bronze. He has the power to control the ocean. Delphin can control dolphins… which Poseidon can also do. But Delphin is also really smart. Why? Because he’s a dolphin. Duh. Anyways, now let the battle(finally)begin!
So, Thor and Odin fly above the ocean searching for the two sea gods. But since Delphin is smart, he tries to be a tricksy trickster and tries to lure Odin and Thor into a trap. But since Odin lost an eye in exchange to drink from a well of wisdom. What did it make him? Wise. Duh. Always, Odin realizes that Delphin is trying to trick them and he plays along. Delphin makes the chase him into a narrow revenue, when Poseidon emerged under the water, but Odin had anticipated that and threw his spear which hit Poseidon’s trident, which makes Poseidon lose focus for a second, at which point Thor summons lightning and zaps Poseidon with all his might. Poseidon falls, when Delphin quickly summons a backup army of dolphins to flee. Odin and Thor chases them, Thor constantly zapping into the water, and illuminating the outlines of the dolphins. Odin then throws his spear and hits Delphin in the tail, which promptly makes him unable to swim, therefore becoming a sitting duck… or a sitting dolphin.
Winner: Odin and Thor
Round 2(Ares/Hecate VS Human/Space Unicorn)
So as you all know, Ares is the god of war and Hecate is the goddess of magic. Jen is.. well, just a human. She sadly will disintegrate to ashes the moment the gods appear in their true forms. The space Unicorn attacks with his magical rainbow horn shackamooloolala bleh bleh bleh attack but it isn't enough to defeat the two god and goddess.
Winner: Ares and Hecate
Round 3(Joyce(Juan)/Sihoo VS Brian)
Ok, so as I warned earlier, Juan can make things very… interesting. Anyways, onward! Brian, as Apollo drives his sun chariot down to Earth to fight. He thinks it will burn them, but Athena has a plan. She quickly applies sun proof lotion with a 10% discount she bought at Target. Artemis then shoots thousands of arrows. Ok so here, Apollo is her brother, and normal Artemis wouldn’t have hurt him. But since a bit of Juan’s enthusiasm(?) and a little taste for violence, Artemis ends Apollo.
Winner: Joyce(Juan) and Sihoo
The final showdown will be in my net blog cuz i dont have time and i gtg do other hw so cu next timeeeee

YAY Ares (me) won. And LG won 2 times in a row! U will see happy (normal happy) Ryan today!
uncool. I`m reading the trials of appolo
good....kill APOLLO
sitting dolphin.. interesting
also did u know that lightning does no harm to the sea?