Hey minemen(wow, I haven't used that word in so long), wassup. So I read Stella's blog about The Winner Of Our Class(Part 1), and I have some doubts about the Boss Fight(no offence, to Ryan and Stella). I would have wrote this in the comments, but for some reason, I can't log in to make a comment... which is weird. But anyway, I will make this battle about size/weight, strength, protection, and speed.
Size/Weight: As many of you probably know, the bear is much bigger than a lion. The typical grizzly bear can easily be more than 300 kg, and a large lion is at 180 kg. The average head, and body length of a typical African lion is 6 ft 1 inch, and a grizzly bear is 7 ft 8 inches. In the size/weight comparison, the bear is easily toppling the lion. But don't give up hope for the lion.
Strength: Most people think that bears are stronger than lions due to their size, but that is not true. In truth, the muscles of an African lion is much stronger than that of a grizzly bear. However, the bite power is very different. Lions have a strong bite, topping the scales at 650 PSI, enough to crunch bones. Oof. But a grizzly can deliver 1,200 PSI of pain in a single bite. Double ouch. But a lion delivers up to 180 kilograms of force with a swipe of its paw. But a bear's paw strike could probably generate 600 or 700 pounds of force and it would topple 1300 if it was angered.
Protection: Adding to the strength, protection is also important, maybe even more important. Every animal's weak point is the neck/throat. WARNING: DO NOT READ TE NEXT SENTENCE IF YOU ARE EATING OR SENSITIVE TO VIOLENCE
If you were an animal, and exposed your neck, your enemy would not hesitate to tear out your throat in the wild. However, a male lion's neck is covered by thick, brown(is it brown? I dunno. It probably is, I guess)fur, so it is mostly protected. Bears however, would just have to rely on their strength, and intimidation.
Speed: Finally, the last comparison. The top speed of a bear is 48 (km/h), while the lion's top speed is 80 (km/h). The lion is obviously faster, able to dodge attacks, attack, and retreat.
Now, jumbling these knowledge, the bear would have the advantage of size, and weight, while the lion had to advantage of speed. If a bear got a lucky hit on a lion, it would be game over for the lion. But if the lion kept on repeating dodge attack, attack quickly, and retreat, the bear would eventually tire from its wounds and collapse. So the basic conclusion is, there are many ways for nature to unfold. There are many scenarios, in which the lion, or the bear could win.... but according to Google, a bear would typically win a fight with a lion but anyways, see you guys later and hoped you enjoyed this boring lecture about Bears VS Lions!

Size/weight: the space unicorn weighs 3 gazillion megatons. Impossible to move, the space unicorn would crush all opponents with a single toe.
Strength: Space Unicorn spends 25 hours a day pumping iron at unicorn gyms. With massive horn muscles, the Space Unicorn could horn press 5000 empire state buildings all stacked on top of one another.
Speed: the space unicorn moves at twice the speed of life, breaking reality. With barely a thought, this could end all of existence around it, and any attempt to chase it would be laughable.
Protection: the Space Unicorn is guarded by a majestic rainbow shield. The Shield is impervious to energy and kinetic projectiles alike. Once thought vulnerable too dark Troll Magic, the rainbow…