Christmas is one of those days where you can get a free present for no reason. Nice. Sadly, however, as time passes, you get less things you particularly want to ask for gifts, making those huge toys turn into books. So, today, I want to write down my Christmas where I got the best gift I can remember… at least for that time years ago.
Ok, I vividly remember being six, and… this is gonna sound kinda cheesy, but there was this kids cartoon called my little pony. It was a really lame cartoon about unicorns, and as a young child, I was in love with it. It was a really lame and childish cartoon, and you know what all childish, lame cartoons have… castles, magic, and princesses. There was this character named princess Cadence who was the literal princess of crystals. In toysrus they sold this huge toy which was a transparent, sparkly, blue crystal castle in the cartoons that Cadence lived in with a doll of Cadence, her baby (flurry heart; I know, this cartoon is meant for such young children), cribs, strollers, a whole lot of other stuff, and on the balcony there was a light switch thing that spawned lights from the balcony onto the ground. My parents found out that I was interested in the toy and bought it for me, and I spent weeks clinging onto the castle, building it, breaking it down, building it again, and assembling the figurines. It was my favorite toy for over years. I gave it to my younger relatives years later, about 2 years after I forgot it ever existed, along with the cartoon.
I used to love it so much… Nowadays I can’t remember why I was so into that huge piece of eye-hurting-sparkly plastic.

Top is princess Cadence and bottom is flurry heart. When I was young I used to think they were cute, but now, they really aren't, and on the contrary, quite creepy cause
The eyes are unusually big
The adult unicorn (estimated about 35 years old by fans; apparently adult fans of this cartoon series do this sort of deduction and post it in the internet), princess Cadence doesn't wear a skirt or pants but baby flurry heart wears a diaper
Ok, seriously, who names their baby FLURRY HEART? Is the heart an last name or something? Wait, then the name is just flurry... that's just so much weirder
I have no idea how 6 year old me found them soooo cute. Maybe it was the colors...? (⊙_⊙)?
Children are truly terrifying 🤣