‘Sup people. I am here today to write a blog for wix. When I first saw this uh, topic, my mind was empty. I had no idea what to write about. Then, I thought of writing a blog for wix about the time when I thought about the time when I think(*cough* I KNOW it’s present-tense, but whatevs) about writing an experience of me writing a blog about-you know what, forget it. I know it’s confusing, and I myself feel very confused indeed. And currently, I wrote 84 words, so I have to write, what is it, oh yes, 116 more words. But I only need to write less than 116 words now because, well, I wrote some more words after I did Ctrl+Shift+C to check how much I wrote. Now, I wrote 127 words, if you count the amount of the words I wrote before the word “Now,”. OK, I’m going to stop talking about this because it makes my head hurt. But first, I need to eat my cereal or my mom will kill me. 5 minutes latur… OK, I back and I purposely misspelled the word “later”, because like, if you ever watched Spongebob Squarepants, you’d know that in that show, the narrator would say “later” in a funny way, and I just tried to emphasize that. Oh my, I haven’t checked on how much I wrote. I already wrote over 200 words! The world is fast out there… Anyway, I wanted to write about the origin of the game “Milk Shake” or talk about the secrets of “Unibear”, but I already wrote enough. So well, that’s gonna be the end of today. Technically, it’s not, because it’s 9:22 and I have to finish the rest of my homework but you get the idea. Bye~~~
