Lizz was angry. Her parents promised that this was the last time they moved. But no. They were moving again. Her parents were a weird match: her dad was a farmer and her mom being a government official. They had to move often because of her mom’s job, which made it so hard to find a house since they had to find a house with a ranch. This time it was easy. Almost like destiny, a letter came along saying that her uncle had died and on his will it said to give his house to his brother. They packed and finally moved out with her dog and the rest of the animals. The new house was ok, a bit old and there were some old antiques but other than that it was ok. She gathered all the cows and pigs and put them in the barn. After making the animals settle and painful hours of cleaning and unpacking the day ended and all of them went into deep deep sleep. The next day started with a shriek. Lizz woke up, ran downstairs to see where that scream was coming from. It was coming from the backyard where the animals were! She ran there and to see almost all of the animals were on the ground not opening their eyes.
Creepy story