It was just a normal day. The sun was shining, the classroom was neat, and we were just settled down for a another torturous hour of math. No one, not even me, knew that this would bring about the worst war in human history. So, remember the time when the white gas floated up and nearly killed us? Well ever since then, we all feared the great and mighty Inheuk, who` great strength defeated the mighty Door, the thick, wooden door that would not break to two adult males, and had escorted us to safety. We all called him, the Royal Pickle. We all followed his laws at break times, and I worked for him as a deputy. But, one day, he fired me from my job, and forbid me to ever play the game 007(bread) with the other subjects. A wave of anger washed over me. Me, the great Emperor, banished!!! I gathered other students from other classes. Class 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6. I was pretty popular, given that I was 'Father Pickle'. At the end of the school day, I had a massive army of twenty men, and I set out to defeat Inheuk. We got out our great weapons', known and feared by all, called the Compass, the ruler, and the sharpened pencil. We ambushed Inheuk as he was walking his way home, surrounded by a group of soldiers (students). We threw protractors and textbooks and balls of paper at Inheuk elite army. I tackled evil Inheuk to the ground, and wrestled for the legend pickle, a chuck of slightly bended high-tensile alloy tungsten metal that I got from you-know-where. But Inheuk, being born with the strength of three piglets, pushed me back and retreated to the untouchable place, a force field for the weak, the Playground. Seeing we couldn`t get Inheuk without hurting kindergarteners, we retreated....

Just Steal his stuff.